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Third POV

By seeing the familiar orange haired boy. You suddenly got hit with a wave of panic. A wave of guilt and sadness.

The more you looked at the boy, the more he looked familiar... You slowly start backing off from the boy, while keeping your eyes on him. Your heart was racing, as you couldn't stop looking at that familiar orange hair... You knew who it was.

The boy had also spotted you and was coming towards you.. You started to sweat, thinking of how this would turn out... If he recognised you... If he knew that you were still alive... You suddenly felt cold sweat running down your neck.

Fortunately, Yosano called your name when she spotted you, as she hooked her arm at yours, as you glanced back at the familiar orange boy and had a flashback of someone but the voices are muted.

Thankfully, the boy didn't notice you. You took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled. You suddenly felt relieved and the wave of sadness and guilt got replaced with a wave of relief. You let go a sigh of satisfaction as you look at Yosano and smiled. She looked at you, a hint of concern in her eyes.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)? You seem a bit worried." She asked you with concern.

You could tell that she genuinely cared for your well-being. She was a very sweet woman, almost like a mother to you, too bad she isn't your real mom.

"Yeah, I'm fine... It's just... That man over there, he seems familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it, though, by seeing his face makes me panic and for some reason, guilty at the same time." You respond to Yosano, as you paced out.

Yosano gives you a sympathetic look and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

"Well.. You can't blame yourself for panicking or feeling guilty... If that man means so much to you, it's only natural that the mere sight of him would make you feel like that. Just trust me, that feelings will be gone soon." She gives you a comforting smile...

Her words really helped with easing your mind. You feel much more calm now.. This kind of reassurance is one of the reasons why you really appreciate her.

"Thanks Yosano, your the best!" You thanked her with a bright smile.

"Don't even mention it." Yosano smiled back, she was glad that you aren't like earlier anymore as she lets go of your arm.

You decide to take a deep breath and waved a goodbye to Yosano and once again go on with your day with a much more positive state of mind.

Your encounter with your past was nerve-wracking, but in the end... It made you feel a sense of closure.

You feel way better now, and you're pretty sure your guilt will be gone soon, just like Yosano said. For now, you should focus on your new job as an ADA member.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was on my way home, but all of a sudden, an unfortunate event happened, I hadn't noticed that someone is following me, that is until, I was pulled in the nearby alleyway, and I was faced with the orange haired boy making my eyes widened...

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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