Chapter 3- Her NightDress

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Eve awoke with a startled flinch. At her back, she felt the unnerving sensation of Ramsay's warm body as he held her close. His hands were wrapped tightly around her hips, keeping her bottom pushed up against the same strange bulge that she had felt in the night. She flushed, frozen in place as her muscles clenched up in an anxious attempt not to move. As her back was facing him, she could not see his face—there was no indication of what his motives were. She nervously concentrated on remaining as still as possible, scrunching her eyes shut as she hoped he would just let her go. Is he awake?

Feral blue eyes lit up in unnoticed excitement when he felt and witnessed the waking jolt of his beloved pet. Her sudden motion caused her rounded rear to press further into his groin as he closed his eyes in pleasure, his nostrils flaring as he kept his breathing normal. His mouth twisted upwards in a mean-spirited grin when her tiny body instantly froze up when she became aware of him behind her. As hard as she tried to remain still, her body trembled in fear like a little animal on the more...unfulfilling side of the hunt.

He quickly grew bored of watching the back of her blonde head as she subtly shook in front of him. He was feeling rather annoyed that morn. He would, after all, be departing to deal with the Greyjoy business within the hour. He would have to leave her in the Dreadfort all by herself. The poor thing would be positively lost without him. And he would be dreadfully bored and restless without her by his side. He grinned, bearing his teeth. Why not have a bit of fun? With no warning, he raised his mouth to her ear.

"Do you like your new bed, my sweet?" He suddenly whispered in her ear, causing her body to rise in surprise as she almost flew off the mattress, his hands holding her down by the supple waist.

"Ramsay! You're awake. You scared me!" She brought her hands to her chest, trying to calm herself as his close proximity was not helping in any manner. Franticly, she leaned forward, trying to break free from his hold. His grip at her hips only tightened as he came forward once more to assault her with his low voice in her ear.

"A bit jumpy, are we not? I assume you slept rather well then. You're quite the energetic little thing this morning," He grinned as he felt her shudder at his breathe in her ear. This game was rather fun. But alas, it would soon have to end. He would take leave for Winterfell soon.

"Ramsay. L-let go, please," Eve carefully begged him to release her in a weak voice as she once more tried to move herself forward. His fingers clenched down tightly on her flesh, causing her to yelp in pain. He pulled her lower body closer, slamming her against him as she tried to remove herself once more. Her body was now wriggling and thrashing in his hold, only stimulating him further as her provocative backside pressed and moved against his hardened manhood through the fabric of their clothing.

Before he could lose himself, he let her go, watching her with viciously hungry eyes as she franticly scrambled to the other side of the bed, falling off the side with a thump as she mindlessly tried to further herself from him. Her legs had been tangled in the bed linens, and as she tried to stand, she tripped on the unruly pile of sheets twisted around her ankles and landed hard on the stone floor.

Despite the minor pain in her side, she continued to shuffle away from the bed when she felt the sheets around her ankles roughly tug, taking her back towards the bed. She panicked, hands gripping the flat surface of the solid floor as she desperately tried to resist the pull. Her hands slipped, however, and she found herself being dragged back as she felt a hand grip her ankle as the bed linens were pulled away from her legs. Looking back, she was met with the amused face of Ramsay looking down at her from the bed as he slowly pulled her back to him by her ankle. She gave a frustrated whine when she realized he was playing one of his games. Frightened by his wild eyes, she decided it would be best to simply play along with his strange and alarming game.

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