Chapter 9- The Blue Kiss

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The sound of heavy wood creaking was the first thing Eve awoke to when she regained consciousness. Head filled with pain, she slowly opened her eyes with a wince to find herself in complete darkness. All around her, she could hear nothing but what seemed to be the groaning of wood. Slowly lifting herself up in panic, she stumbled as the floor beneath her feet seemed to shift. Where am I? With a pause, she fell over as the floor shifted beneath her once more. She cried out in shock as she hit a wooden surface with a loud crash. It was impossible to discern her surroundings in the darkness, and she flinched in fear at every unexpected creak and groan of surrounding wood. Ramsay...She wept quietly as thumps sounded from above her. The Greyjoys had taken her...and she knew that wherever she was, it was likely not safe.

White light suddenly infiltrated the dark vicinity as a latch menacingly opened from above. Squinting at the abrupt brightness, Eve looked up to see a silhouette standing in the light above. Her eyes burned, but she could make out that the figure was the same Greyjoy woman she had seen near the shores of the Dreadfort. The woman began to descend a ladder and Eve tensed as a familiar figure followed—one of the sick Greyjoy men that had chased her that night. As the two figures stepped down, she shuffled back instinctively. A snort of ridicule sounded from the brutish man.

"You're on our ship now, you bitch. Nowhere to hide..." He growled viciously as he stepped forward. The Greyjoy woman scowled and blocked him angrily. Eve furrowed her brow. A ship? She had only ever heard of ships—vessels that carried men across vast bodies of salted water. Her heart sank as she came to a harrowing realization; she was trapped—surrounded by water in a Greyjoy ship.

"No one touches her. That is an order," The Greyjoy woman gave a severe look and the man stood down as he cursed in frustration and malice.

"That fucking cunt killed one of our men! Crazy bitch tore into his wrist like a dog. We should muzzlethe bitch," He snarled from behind the woman.

"I give the orders. You men will keep your pathetic fucking cocks to yourselves. If I don't like her, then she's all yours. Until then, I'm ordering you all to go fuck yourselves," She hissed. Eve expected the man to angrily refuse, but surprisingly, he chuckled darkly. A sick grin spread across his grimy face and Eve shivered in repulsion as his dark eyes roamed over her body before he turned and ascended the ladder, leaving her and the commanding Greyjoy woman alone in the dim chamber. The woman stared down at her with a grim expression as she muttered under her breath.

"I swear...more trouble than you're worth..." The woman wiped her sweaty brow before meeting Eve's cautious gaze with a glare.

"You'd better have something worth saying, girl. Up," The woman stepped forward, grabbing her firmly by the arm and raising her. The woman released her arm and sent a look of warning.

"You will tell me everything you know about the Boltons...What is your name, girl?" Eve froze and contemplated what had been said. If this woman did not deem her useful or worthy of mercy, she would be thrown to the clutches of an angry party of Greyjoy men...

Thinking quickly, she bit her lip and tried to remember everything she had learned about twisting the truth from her many years with Ramsay. They needed information—and she would give them the complete opposite...

"I don't have a name..." She lied, knowing it would not be convincing. All she needed to do was twist the truth a bit...Ramsay was a the rest of the world. And she loved that monster. If the Greyjoys discovered the truth behind her interactions with Ramsay, she would be shown no mercy...But if they deemed her a victim...

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