Chapter 13 - The Pink Wedding

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The flickering light and wavering heat from the burning candles was almost sickening, yet Eve could not will herself to look away from the sight of their glowing wicks. Beyond Ramsay's firm embrace, her eyes bore into the enchanting beacons within the dark bedchambers. Molten wax stretched down the stalks, solidifying once more in white rivulets as it escaped the fire's heat. A wet warmth caressed the crook of her neck, her body clenching in alarm as her attention to the room's decor was broken at once. A low rumble of a chuckle vibrated against her neck, sending warmth to her face as she looked up to meet a blue gaze.

"Need I remind you how you've misbehaved as of late?" Ramsay's smirk grew into a wild grin as he abruptly ground down, his hips meeting hers as he gauged her reaction in amusement.

"Ramsay!" She gasped out, breathless as she awkwardly felt Ramsay's arousal meet the crevice of her thighs between their clothed bodies. The contact had lit her nerves on fire, and she felt as if her heart had moved between her legs as a pounding warmth grew down there. It felt good...Despite herself, she blushed and inched her legs further apart in an unremarkable attempt to regain the pleasant contact.

Another chuckle sounded from the man above her as he leaned further down to lightly caress the girl's pink cheeks.

"Looking for something?" He teased, the pads of his thumbs brushing her smooth jawline in encouragement as he waited for a response. Perhaps she would finally indulge him...

Her weight suddenly shifted in his lap, a flash of blonde escaping his grasp once more as she stood aware. Or not...Ramsay rolled his eyes in irritation, growing impatient. If this was how it was going to be, then perhaps his little ingrate deserved a little bit of encouragement in the form of much-needed punishment.

"My dear girl...Who am I?" The question hung ominously in the air despite Ramsay's gentle expression and wide smile. The friendly expression did not match his eyes and Eve froze before quickly casting her gaze downward.

"Y-you are Ramsay Bolton..." She trailed off, her feet fidgeting as the rest of her body remained still in fear.

"Yes! I always knew you weren't just a fair face and body," With those mocking words, he stood, his imposing form now before her as his inky leather boots inched within her view. A hot hand gently coaxed her chin up, her gaze reluctantly meeting blue eyes—furious blue eyes paired with that deadly grin to create a horrifying combination.

"Did you really think I'd sheath myself in a simple little thing like you?" With an apathetic shake of his head, he raised his hand to poke her nose harshly.

"You flinch at the mere mention of a cock, little rabbit," Eve squirmed despite herself, proving Ramsay's point as he took joy in his spontaneous bullying. What was happening? She searched his face in confusion, feeling lost as no answers revealed themselves in his bared teeth and wicked gaze.

"Why shoot down a rabbit when I can take a wolf?" There it was. Eve may have been simple, but even she knew precisely of whom Ramsay spoke. The young Lady Stark. How could she ever amount to such a graceful being—his intended? With a frown, she turned away from Ramsay in an attempt to exit his bedchambers.

But her attempted escape was cut short as hands gripped her arms, pulling her back and twisting her to face her noxious tormentor. In a rush of emotion, she lifted her fists to beat at the broad chest before her.

"Leave me be, Ramsay! Leave me be!" She screamed in anger and panic as his grasp on her grew harder.

"Never," He seethed, the severe hands at her sides pulling her to him as they loosened to allow his arms to embrace her shaking form.

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