Chapter 5- The Kraken

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"Come now, my sweet. Don't be like that..." Ramsay coaxed as he stared at the young woman who was sitting stubbornly on his bed with the covers in a tiny death-grip as her green eyes glared hard at him. Despite her strenuous attempt at appearing fearsome, Eve's pouting face only made him leer in amusement as he found it adorably humorous. Her eyes narrowed at him more so as she caught sight of his large smile and amused eyes.

"It is not funny, Ramsay! I...I will not leave this spot until you explain what happened last night!" She squeaked out shakily as she tried to maintain a severe look. It was quite hard considering she was directing demands towards Ramsay. It was not her place to ask anything of him, let alone boss him around...but she needed to know what he had done to her and why. Ramsay's smile grew into a full-blown grin. Her stubborn façade faltered at the sight; Ramsay's smile was never a good sign...and his grin only meant worse.

"Well then, my pet. You will just have to stay there, then," He smiled mischievously as she realized the fault in her bargaining. She would be stuck in his his room...There truly was no escape.

Frustrated, she stood grumpily from the mattress and stomped over to retrieve the dress and garments that Ramsay had placed for her at the foot of the bed. She hastily made her way to the washroom with the garments in her arms before she slammed the door shut and pushed the lock in. On the other side, she heard Ramsay's entertained chuckles as she violently undressed herself, pulling her nightdress off as she blushed angrily. He always had the upper hand!

She frowned as she closely examined the garments he had provided for her, realizing that they were not a part of her normal everyday wardrobe. Ramsay had never cared what she had worn before; she had always dressed in the same simple frocks as the female servants. But this...this ensemble was most certainly not that of a servant.

She held up a lightweight piece which she assumed was an undergarment—it was so beautiful she could not believe it was to be covered. Unlike the plain slips she was accustomed to, this one was...full of intricate patterns and embroidered lace in the shapes of tiny cream flowers. It was gorgeous, and her fingers traced the soft designs as she tried to recall a time where she had ever seen such a stunning garment. It did not even come close to how she imagined the dress of a princess. Gasping, she looked at the outer dress—a light cream with long puffed sleeves and the faintest trace of floral pattern. The front had a series of intricate lacing that looked difficult to tie. It was absolutely beautiful. Did he actually expect her to wear it? As if her thoughts could be read, Ramsay knocked on the door as he called out to her.

"Open the door, my sweet. I am sure you need help dressing today..." She could just hear the enjoyment in his voice...That was why he had given her the dress! She felt like crying. Why did he have to bully her even now? She hesitantly slipped on the lavish underdress, covering herself as she stared reluctantly at the door. She could just leave it locked and never come out...

"I know what you're thinking of, pet. You do not want to leave this door locked. I will simply kick it down. And I will not. Be. Very. Happy," His menacing voice promised a world of pain if she left the door locked. Panicking, she backed away as she contemplated her options. She really did not want to have his straying hands touching her as he helped her dress. It would be too embarrassing...especially after what he had done to her last night. The memory made her cringe in shame. She did not want to face him...She jumped in fear and squeaked as a single bang sounded from the other side of the door. It went quiet for a few seconds before she heard his deep voice once more.

"That was a warning, my dear. Please, be a good girl and unlock the door for me. I only wish to help you with those terribly confusing laces. Come now, Eve, let me in," He sounded very sweet and her hand grazed the lock before she recoiled. What if he was lying? He was never simply sweet to anyone without a hidden motive. She did not trust Ramsay's saccharine tone...Looking at the dress, she took note that the series of lacing traced a long portion of the front...and the back. Did she really want Ramsay's hands doing the laces up on a garment so close to her body? She shook her head, the thought very unappealing considering he had violated her privacy far too many times before.

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