Chapter 4- Ambiguity

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Eve could not ignore the uneasy sensation growing in the pit of her stomach. Ramsay was normally eager to spend his leisure time in the dungeons, but he was never this excited. She had a terrible feeling—whatever or whoever Ramsay had brought back with him was most certainly going to suffer under his cruel hands. She silently prayed Ramsay would not spend long in the dungeons. She wanted to spend time with him after being separated for weeks...but she despised his disturbing and bloody hobbies. As Ramsay continued to lead her by the hand through the darkened corridors to the dungeons, she recalled what had occurred in Ramsay's absence. She remembered the woman who had brought her food that one day...and the hatred behind the strange words she had said.

Glancing ahead reluctantly at Ramsay's broad back, she opened her mouth to speak but hesitated as she thought of what to say. She didn't even know who the woman was. From what had been said, Ramsay knew the woman in some way. She tried to recall exactly what had been said before mustering up a small amount of courage as she nervously focused her eyes intently on the strong hand that was wrapped firmly around hers.

"The woman who brought me food...she said strange things...about" Eve slowly spoke, keeping her gaze on his hand as her words caused Ramsay's grip to tighten before he abruptly stopped in the middle of the hallway. As he slowly turned to face her, she immediately regretted her decision to mention the woman. She was too afraid to look at his face, but she could feel his angry eyes searing through her as she stared at the hand that was now tightly gripping hers. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ramsay raise his free hand and she flinched as he brought it up to her face. He gripped her jaw as he lifted her head to face him. She kept her eyes down stubbornly, refusing to look at him out of fear.

"Look at me, Eve," He ordered lowly as his grip on her jaw loosened somewhat. He sounded furious, and she feared for her life. She slowly looked up at him, meeting his icy eyes as his brow was lowered and his nostrils were flared in rage. She felt tears escape her eyes. I've made him angry...oh Gods, now he is going to kill me...

Ramsay was livid. As soon as he saw the first teardrop run down Eve's cheek he only felt himself grow more infuriated. It was not Eve that had made him angry...No...But she was now terrified and in tears because she was daft enough to think she was the one that had done so. He released her jaw as he cupped her chin gently and wiped her tearstained cheeks with his thumb. He was furious, but not at his precious Eve.

"I'm not cross with you, silly girl," He hushed lowly before directing her to meet his gaze once more. His eyes had softened. Eve hiccupped as she stared up at his face. His jaw was stiff with anger and his countenance still exhibited his underlying fury...but she could tell it was not directed towards her. She stared up at him as he questioned her.

"What did that horrible bitch say to you?" He stroked her hair as he tried to remain calm—he did not, after all, want to frighten her again with his seething anger. Eve looked down at her feet before speaking as she tried hard to recall exactly what had been said. Some of the woman's words had been foreign to her.

"She told me that the people here know me...that everyone here knows I am your...whore...And men wanted to be in me...and that you would not let them. She also said that she like it rough... And that you two would chase me...with hounds..." She started crying once more as she recalled the day Ramsay had saved her from those children and their dog in the forest. It crushed her to even imagine him hunting her down for sport. She chanced a look at Ramsay only to see his eyes were now filled with mad rage—it was perhaps the most infuriated she had ever seen him. She shook at the sight of him; he was truly terrifying right now. She hiccupped between her sobs as she tried to understand the words that had been said. Whatever the woman had meant, it was most certainly not good...She had never seen Ramsay so angry before. It must have had something to do with the words she did not understand.

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