Chapter 7- Locks and Keys

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The forest was supposed to be a tranquil place—a mystical domain of nature in which one could get lost. But the woods on the outskirts of the Dreadfort were made of pure horror...Eve reluctantly followed a giddy Ramsay as he stalked his newest victim. She hated this sport of his...And after three days her feet were still bare as punishment for running away and entering the dungeons alone. She stared down, examining the dirt and roots caught between her toes with a frown. A small whimper was heard in the distance and Ramsay stopped, motioning for Eve to stop as well. She stayed in place as he grinned evilly and moved towards the noise. This was fun for him...She flinched as he called out to the Greyjoy man.

"Reek! Fetch the hounds!" She hated the name Ramsay had given him...It was wretched, but that only amused him even more. A group of vicious canines ran past her in the distance and she cringed at what was to come. It did not help that she had a fear for such hounds...Sure enough, a shrill scream ripped through the loud barking before the sounds of snarling teeth catching wet flesh were heard.

Ramsay returned to Eve's shaking side as his left arm encircled her waist. She looked briefly at his pleased face and immediately turned her watery eyes away. A weak series of cries sounded in the distance as the dogs continued their attack. That poor girl...Eve remembered she had been one of the many in Ramsay's bedchambers...What did these women do to deserve such cruelty? Why did Ramsay do such things? She opened her mouth hesitantly.

"What did she do...?" Her voice was weak but Ramsay's arm tensed around her waist as her words clearly reached him. Turning her head to face him, she could see an eerie smile creep over his face. Her first mistake—opening her mouth. Ramsay released her from his clutches and brought his hand up to caress her chin. Cold blue eyes scrutinized her face playfully as he grinned in amusement.

"Well, Well...Wouldn't you like to know? Such an inquisitive little thing you are today!" His head moved closer, turning down as his lips barely brushed the crown of her head. With a shiver, she could feel him inhale deeply before pulling away to once more stare at her with those piercing eyes...which were filled with unsettling merriment. Instant regret coursed through her as she looked off to the side with great unease and slight frustration.

"I'm notinquisitive..." A mere whisper escaped her mouth. Why could he never give her an honest answer? She flinched with surprise as a loud chuckle cut through the tense silence. Reluctantly she turned to face him. His laughter was a force that she knew to be feared. Slowly her gaze met his gleeful form. Panic swept in—cutting blue eyes were focused on her with humor and a rather disturbing intensity.

"Oh you're not, are you? Well then, let's play a game! And remember, Not. Another. Word...You are, after all, not inquisitive!" She sucked in a sharp breath as his heavy chuckling died down into a wicked snicker. Before she could even think, he excitedly pushed her onto the mossy ground. She screamed in shock and tried to shuffle away as he crouched down, his face inches before her own. Moving away, she felt something hard at her back and turned to see a large tree blocking her escape. This only brought more pleasure to Ramsay as he clicked his tongue mockingly.

"We'll have none of that, my pet. Now, it's my turn to ask questions!" He paused with a grin before resting his calloused hands menacingly on both of her knees. She looked down at them with dread before quickly moving her focus back to his face. He regarded her with an unreadable look before speaking lowly, his tone slow and sinister with feigned curiosity.

"Tell me my sweet...Do you like my hands?" Her brow furrowed at his strange question. Why would he ask her that? She didn't like where this was going.

Remaining silent, she felt his hands leave her knees to slowly move up her legs, pushing the fabric of her makeshift dress up to her slightly parted thighs. His hands rested against the flesh there as his thumbs softly traced circles. He hummed in amusement as her thighs quivered and she let out a confused whimper. It felt nice...She blushed at the familiar yet strange sensation that flickered within the spot between her legs.

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