chapter 2

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(Alex POV)

hello, I'm Alexander Gonzales and family and friends call me Alex in short except for my mother call me Xander and if you curious about how old I am right? I can say that I just get 20 years about a week ago and yes I'm older then 5 months to Lucas but if you look the both of us, you can see that  Lucas is more like older to the both of us because how I show respect to him from time to time.

to be honest I can't believe that Lucas and me became really close friends now because we always fight wait a minute maybe it me that always ask him for a fight if I think about it... sigh remembering it now it feels like so stupid at that time always ask fight that I will not win in the first place and other person have no place don't want to have to do about it at all but because I always bugging him all the time he give in and always beat me up to the point that he need me in one place then I lose consciousness then wake up in my room in the school or in my room in our house and mom always scolded me after I wake up everytime about why I always do this fighting thing

right now I'm smoking outside of Lucas house next to my car, I think this will be my last cigarette then I will stop for good before I lose myself again, just like what Lucas always say to me every bad habit always started by smoking to the point you doing drugs like I did in our high school year's lucky me that my dad is best lawyer and I only need to stay in prison for a week.

but I'm starting a new leaf now by slowly stop all my bad habit to point this smoking cigarette is the last thing I need to is escape from that is really hard for me to do this past year but my best friend helped me to make a deal with my parents last week that my parents agreed because it will help me to forget smoking slowly

right now I'm looking at my car seeing my best friend watch a anime in his phone meanwhile me finish this cigarette in my hand then I suddenly I remember how i first met him in my elementary school days and that school is owned by my parents and my mom is the principal


in front of me there a group of kids ganging up this nerd with glasses kid and I'm the leader of this group of kids that bully other kids in this school and my reason is in this school I'm the king and this is my territory everything I want goes in this place and no one can stop me.

after my lackey's finished doing there thing to the nerd looking kid I stand up and two my lackey's hold both sides of nerd kid but I don't know why i fill someone is watching me so I looked at that the direction of where it came from then I see this kid looking at us close to my mom principal office.

so I give a order to my lackey's to bring this nerd kid somewhere else that they do so, then after that I looked at kid again that still looking in our direction that I give him a hand gestures that I will be watch and I look for him next time I see him then I followed to the direction of where my lackey's go to finish what I need to do today and tomorrow start looking for that kid.

in that day it dinner time and it's special one at that because this time dad will be here on time and we will be eat together again for a long while but yet again this happy moments always something goes wrong because mom started talking about this kid this morning and that kid is so smart that make my dad get his attention in too because my mom normally don't give compliment so passionately to a kid that even my grades did get her compliment like that at all even through I did my best and the only say is 'you did your best and try again next time' but right now she showing the questioners to my dad meanwhile there this one piece of paper fall from my mom hands on the floor next to me.

so I picked it up then I first saw is that kids face on the side of this paper that have complicated for me at that time

"hmm this test questions are all answered correctly huh that good.... if so that will be good for your school have a smart high schooler honey that really good news" my dad said that make me look at them meanwhile still holding that paper in hand

"that's the thing honey?!... this kid is not a high schooler but yet will be a first grade elementary school that answered that question not a high schooler!" my mom said that make my dad happy face to surprised one

"huh? going to be a first grader did this?!.... your kidding me right now don't cha huh... you got me there with that joke of yours honey hahaha" my dad said think mom making a joke by saying that

to be honest I was not going to believe it too, if only I didn't see this piece of paper in my hand right now and seeing that kids face in this paper and kid I saw this morning for myself I will not believe what my mom saying this time too

"if you can't believe me I have a copy of that kid file of his old school that coincidentally is the school our old friend from high school is know teaching in...hmm where is it? it so post to here with the other paper a moment ago? did it fall on the floor?" my mom said then suddenly started looking on the group of paper she holding on a moment ago then she started looking on the floor

after seeing that I have this feeling of hiding this piece of paper in my hand but I put it on the table so mom can see it

"mom this piece of paper fall down on the floor a moment ago so maybe this is the paper your looking for" I said calling my mom attention to me 

"oh! thanks dear... I really need that paper to show your dad about this kid I meet this morning at school" she said then head back to my dad side handing the paper to him

my dad ready that piece of paper quietly and can see in his expression that his surprise to what his reading right now then looked back at the test questioner back and forth to that paper

"wow... this is amazing huh, to be honest I like to say that kid lucky or something but seeing all the subject question get correct answer by a going to be a first year elementary student in our school at that?!...hmm to be honest if I have the authority to put this kid in any grade if he get in, I will put him with high schooler already or the college if his that smart, his like that type of kid you can see in tv but if you look at  this kid point of view if he really started in high education his life will definitely go upside down to the point it hard to adjust his lifestyle in that way....this will be hard for you to make a decision in the end with this huh" my dad said still looking at group of paper that his hold next to him is mom looking at him smiling

"I told you so... and yes this will be hard so I first think to give a scholarship for this kid as a offer first then I think about the grade this kid so post to be in hmmm.... I think I will let that kid and his parents decide what this kids school life be like then I will wait and see what will happen in the end" my mom said getting the group of paper back that dad handed over to her then she put it back to this folder then put in her bag next to her

"by the way honey I have a question that I want to ask may I?" my dad said

"hmm? what is it?" my mom said

"did you really intentionally give that type of questioner to that kid honey? I'm just curious that all" my dad said

"hmm... about that... to be honest with you honey those questioners is accidentally give to him if you look in front of this folder that holding right and I so post to give him a test questioner that for grade 4 to 6 questioners, but someone in the teachers that so post to be doing the questioner arrangement may accidently mixed that high school test questioners in this folder *sigh..." my mom said showing again front of folder to dad then put it back inside her "and yes I checked the other folders there are fine so don't worry only this one get misplaced and I only did the test is because Kiara bragging to much about the kid on her letter that make me want to test it that all" my mom added then started eating again

"is that so... that good but did you already contacted the kid's parents about this? and tell them about when will this kid going to start he's school? if I remember it's almost a week have passed already when the school start right so the kid already missed a week worth of school day's" my dad said halfway finishing his food

meanwhile I already finished mine

"mom, dad I will excuse myself and I will go to my room already " I said then they only say okey then nodded their heads

so I stand up and then started walk to my room upstairs but in my mind that if I see that kid in the school I will him in his place like the other kid do

(end of flashback)

to be continue

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