chapter 6

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(her POV)

hi my name is Alisa dorothy Wilfried I'm 19 years old born at march 5 20xx, and yes I know my two name's sound not really good together and I always get asked regarding about that then someone else said I can change it if I don't like it in the future, but they didn't know that my name have great meaning behind it to that why my parents give it to me in the first place.

my parents said that to me when I was at my middle grade of my elementary days and the meaning behind my name is goes ( Alisa = great happiness or joy from Hebrew meanwhile the Dorothy = god's gift from Greek,) so if you put it together it mean greatest happiness form god something like that, that's what my parents said to me when I ask regarding my name and they said because mom can't have a baby before as the doctor said to them then one day someone show up out of nowhere said that they can have a baby in the end I was born and then my brother Jack 4 years after me.

so they call me a miracle baby at the time and sometimes they compair me Jesus Christ and my mother is like Mary and by the way we are christians meanwhile the help came from the looks of it is a Muslim lady, that's what my parents said to me regarding may birth.

but anyway let continue... I have blue eyes that I get from my dad and brown hair that I get to my mom at and my friends always said to me that I look like a celebrity hmm... what is her name again Hailey, Hailee ah I remember now it's Hailee Steinfeld I'd her name that my friend's compair me too.

anyway right about now me and my family just getting down from the private plane that my dad own and use for his business trip and we just landed in this country from the east asia by the way we are from the west part of the American where I came from,  when we get to the airport we meet up to an old acquaintance waiting for us to go down and by the way I'm not trying to make upon about his age okey?! even through his old know... anyway his name is Sebastian and his our head butler in our home old home, but in a unknown reason Sebastian get send in this country meanwhile his son replace him starting when he leave 5 years ago.

I'm so happy to seem him again yet by the looks of it my younger brother missed him more I think to point he did consider Sebastian age, then after our meet and greet end's we get to the car and we siblings get separated from mom and dad but it okey, anyway we didnt noticed that me and jack feel a sleep on the car next thing I know when I wake up the car stop and the driver get out the car then open the door meanwhile I wake up Jack

and when get out a two line of people is waiting for us on the front door then they give their greeting to us, then Sebastian lead the way in side the place is mansion like but not as big as our old house on USA yet it big,

then later dad said to me that his going to call me later to say something to me, so we can go to our both rooms first and I only nodded my head agreeing then jack and I followed the two maid that leading us and two butler carrying our luggage then first room is closer to way we going is Jack's room so we get separated then not far from his room is later to be my room so I asked why is my room so far away to my brother's room because we passed 4 doors on the way here that two in both sides, and they said that is for the servants room so if we need something that can go as fast as they could if someone call for them.

(so that why huh?) I said to myself

meanwhile entering my room of the first in this mansion and I can see nice the room is and it clean then it smelled good too then suddenly the maid go to where a curtain is that I think a window behind it but I see a balcony after she open it and next thing I noticed the room go even brighter by help of sunlight coming inside the room, then the first thing I noticed is the bed that looks comfy then the maid said

"miss Wilfried if you need anything from us you can just press that button on the wall next to your bed here" the maid said meanwhile walking back to me then point the red button on the wall next to my bed

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