chapter 11

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(Alisa POV)

I wake the next day by a sudden know then I heard someone voice came from the door then suddenly the door open and a voice a of a lady came from there maybe it one of the maids, so I looked to is this person with my eyes that still half a sleep but I can't see her face because she is far yet her voice sounds familiar to me.

then when this maid get closer to me meanwhile greeting me by saying 'good morning my lady' and she takes of my blanket away from me then there and then I saw this maid face up close and it Jean after taking the blanket she apologize to me and said I need to wake up because my parents are waiting for me to eat breakfast on the dining room down stairs then she wake towards the window and pull open the curtain.

and the bright light of sun hits my eyes so I blocked the light with my hand and slowly seating up and doing a little bit of stretch to my arm to air meanwhile doing a big yawn

"good morning again lady Alisa, I will say again that your parents called for you and what to talk about regarding to yesterday event that's what sir Nathan said to me to relay to you" jean said meanwhile helping me get up from bed

and next thing I know am on the bathroom because jean push me to bathroom after I stand up then meanwhile she said that she will clean my room meanwhile I take a bath

after taking a bath and Jean help me for what lose to wear then she lead me to the dining room and there is my parents and brother and they are already eating then I seated to the spot always do when we starting eating here then when I was seated I saw a maid and butler caring I think my food and they did put the food in front of me I say my thanks to them and then to the god for the food

"so dear what is your decision? are you okey with the school or not?" my dad said looked at me after finishing his meal and maid taking his plate to the kitchen

(to be honest I don't have a excuse not go to that school at all hmm.... I give up then I will enroll there then and by the way it not thing that let me agreed to go because I have this weird feel that something up with that particular school that I didn't feel from my old school back then, so I want answer to this gut feeling that I having) I thought to myself after swallow the food

"is okey, the school already have the course I want and school is a good place and the only problem is that it's very far so, I suggest to rent a place for me to stay or get a room and the dorm that they have" I said

"you that means you already decided go then? that's good, that's good hmm... regarding that distance of travel huh... we need solved that too hmm Sebastian what do you think is better to the both choices that Alisa suggested a moment ago is best choose?" my dad said then looked at Sebastian standing next to him and mom

"hmm... regarding that the school dorm's is already out of room's when I asked the principal yesterday, so that last best thing in lady Alisa suggestion to rent a plane near by the school that she can drive back and forth too that is not to far and to close if I'm correct?" Sebastian said confidently then suggested that the rent place is best choice left

"huh? what is the difference if it far and close?... If for me i think the close the place is the better right" my dad said little confused regarding how far or close is the rent place be to the school that Sebastian said makes me looked at dad with worries

because if my rented place is that close, so what is the use of the car I just get for if I can walk to get my school faster right.

"honey i think you need to think regarding of Alisa position will be like if what you said to be then" my mom said make relieve to hear someone is on my side here 'way to go mom'

"hmm? what do you mean by that honey?" my dad said still confused

"I mean is if the place is going to staying is so close what is the use of the car that we gifted to her be like then what do you think" mom said answering dad question and when dad think about that possibility he make face of suprise then nodded his head in agreement of what mom saying

"okey I understand now I don't want my beloved daughter stop using my- I mean our gift to her go to waste huh, okey let go with that Sebastian" dad said correct his self for taking the credit that make mom laugh a little bit

if you don't know my dad it try to be a strict father started when get to my high school until now and reason he did is because of mom said to him before that they want for me to be independent in the future and they will only help me if it really needed but today he almost went back to his old self when he was spoiling me when I was a kid lucky he corrected him self this time

"so when do I going to start attending to that school then?" I said asked my parents

hmm maybe I will get a free time to before I go start my collage life right but what they said next is what hoped to hear

"huh about that dear... you can start tomorrow already because yesterday we already passed you requirements that you will need before we leave the principal office and I asked the principal to wait until you finish thinking what university you want to enter too" my dad said make looked at him with suprise right about now

after that I complained about the thing that I will be need for school like school supplies a like but my dad shot it down all my excuse because only said said everything is already prepared and only my decision last thing that need then the place that I'm going to be staying for the time being will be ready after my class is over and Sebastian will contact me if his already outside the school

in the end I give up after that oh I almost forgot that my brother Jack also want to go get transferred to that school after asking my parents they given him permission to do so, and then after that hectic breakfast I planned to look around more to mansion a bit more to place that I didn't been before meanwhile my parents and brother go to the place that my brother recommend for them to see

then lunch came and I asked my parents that I want to drive my car a little bit more so I can use to it properly and familiarize myself driving it... I don't want for me to get in accident because I don't know about the my own car right, and so I did driving text on it around the road around the mansion and around the place not going out the village parameters until night came

and then I wake up again from my room seeing jean waking me up and then pushed to bathroom to was wash up because I will be going to that school to day after taking a bath get clothes that I going to wear then eat breakfast and because I'm a little bit sleepy my parents said that let someone else's drive the car today because they say I looked a little bit sleepy and may get in a accident because of it

and so I get to school someone else driving my car and driver said he will be commuting back to the mansion from here and I only say goodbye & good luck

then when I enter the school grounds  I suddenly remember my parents said that I need to go the principal office because someone important I need get from there

when I get there the principal said that all the book's the I will need for my course is there and by because of the sudden call from someone that she need to leave and said to me that I can my books to my locker for safe keeping and she also said if I crossed to someone name Christine ask for help to get the our books next to mine to the library then also said to she wants to Christine later the principal run outside apologizing to the person from the other side of the phone call.

so in the end I tried to carry half of the books stuff together and in end I was carrying this tower of book in my hand and slowly going down from the stair but before I get down completely I bump to someone so the books in my hands fall on the floor so I picked the books one by one then when I stand up with little bit of books on my hands put the other books top of it so it block my sight but he took half then give it to the other guy with him and said to him that he can pay back his favor by helping me take the books in my hand on the library then he leaves.

to be continue

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