chapter 3

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(mark POV)

"yet I remember I need pull you and your lackey's to a dry place so you guy do not get sick because of the rain" I said then I continue my walk to the dorm's with my things on hand

"yeah right... time go by fast right it feels like yesterday we are elementary back then and now we are in college haha" Alex said meanwhile following me from behind with our foods in his both hands

"yeah and you always bug me every time and challenge me for a fight everytime too and I always beat you up everytime until aunt Alexandra noticed that you always not show up in every time you all eat together on you house and when she know about your bruise on you in the end I been called to her office and I almost get expelled from school because of it but luckily I have witness and evidence that i didn't started everything sigh!" I said remembering what happens it feels so hustle meanwhile we get inside the dorm's main door maid of glass and it's a automatic door at that because it open it's self

"hehehe... about that it's my fault sorry about that" Alex said if he is not holding the plastic's of food he maybe scratching his head right about now

"yea, but I can't believe that aunt Alexandria allowed this place to have a convenience store and a gym too here in the first floor of this dorm" I said still can't believe what I seeing right now walking the hallway here

to my right side is a convenient store and school supplies store next to it and right side is a gym and I can see people doing exercise inside there too

"by the way Alex, what floor are we going to staying at?" I said still making on the hallway looking for the stairs are

"we are staying in top floor of the dorm floor 7 room 1" Alex said that make me stop from walk I turned around to look at him

"huh? you must be joking right? are we going to climb six floor worth of stairs to just get there, you mas be kidding right Alex?" I said to Alex

to be honest I'm so hungry right now that I don't what to walk a long staircase to get there.

"haha...hehe" Alex started laughing

"what so funny about it huh? do you really want me to tell aunt Alexandria what you did today huh?" I said giving him a warning if he didn't stop his laughing at

"woah, woah wait a minute dude, I'm not laughing at you at all I promise! let me explain my side first okey, to what is my reason I laugh a moment ago so chill okey?" Alex send in a panic meanwhile looking around seeing if a person near us but the people you can see right now is people inside the store's and inside the gym that I think soundproof maybe?

"okey, but first you're the one chill out because you panicking right now... anyway let me hear this excuse of yours" I said looking at him

"okey but promise me first that you will not do what you said a moment ago before I tell my excuse- I mean reason for what I did okey" Alex said and there slip of the tongue right there

"you know that you don't have the right to say that, right?" I said to him with my intimidating glare that make him nod his head really fast to say he agreed but I can see sweat come out on his forehead because of nervousness " okey, because you are my best friend I will let it slide this time, so continue what you going to say" I said to come him down a little bit

"ahem, ahem... my reason that I laugh because you said what I said to my mom when I first saw blueprint of this place okey, but the thing is? in this building we don't need to use the staircase at all to go upstairs because it's only use for emergency type thing, so in you mind right now you asking to youself if we not going to use the staircase everytime so what are going to use, right? and the answer is-" Alex said with confidence and his sounds proud of something but sorry to burst the bubble of his parade but I can understand already what going to say he just makes it dramatic

"so you saying this place have a elevator correct?" I said stopping from talking

"ouch, that rude dude let's someone finish what they going to say and more importantly if it's so post to be a surprise *sigh" Alex said with a surprised and disappointed look in his face to not finished he so post to say

"but anyway how did you know about the elevator did I said something to hint on the answer?" Alex added

"it the part you said we don't need to use the staircase to go up so that's it, anyway where is this elevator you're so proud off huh?" I said answering his question then asking where is the elevator that I can't see from this hallway

" oh that's where slip up a clue huh, hmm huh oh the elevator is on the left side end of this hallway" Alex said looks like he understand his slip up there

so we walked to the end of the hallway and I or we can see sign written the words [<- elevator only 5th to 7th floor] [staircase and fire exit ->] so we go leftside where the elevator is and there I see the elevator this is my first time knowing a dorm having a elevator before too but I didn't want show my reaction this best friend of mine because his ego will become so annoying later

so we get on the elevator and Alex press the floor we going in too that is 7 and I can see only 3 numbers there just like what sign said 5,6 & 7 and the ground floor simbol below them.

then later we get out to our floor and I let Alex lead the way because he know more where is our dorm room is then me, then we get there the room number is 701 and Alex opened the door the first thing I noticed is the room is dark and the light from hallway can be seen

"okey wait a moment I will open the light's" Alex said then he go inside

meanwhile I waiting on front door I see him go inside this door next to us from my left side the inside not completely dark because i can see look like flat screen TV on the wall to my right side and in front of it is little tablet and L shaped sofa may that the living room right? and then the lights turn on one by one and I can see the living room I saw clearly now and Alex came out in the door he ask me to come in and put my things first on the floor next to the door then I did so because my hands is let bit hurting from caring my things for a long time and he will give me grand tour of our dorm room he said

the first thing we go is the room we go is when he enter before and it the wash room because inside have a washing machine and dryer and in the corner of this room is the circuit breaker where Alex open's the light from and next is in front of it is the living room that I saw a moment ago that I'm right about

then Alex put the foods that are still in his hands to the little table there and said that we going to eat there later then we go to kitchen next to the wash room earlier and I can say is even it's small it have all the appliances that a house needed everything is fancy.

"did aunt Alexandra make every other room have the same things that I seen so far available or this is only room have does" I said in this believe looking around this kitchen

"hmm I think they do have one too, but yet again I think the difference is that the other room have normal appliances meanwhile we have the fancy one, like if I remember for example this fridge we have this big two door fridge meanwhile the other rooms have a single door and medium size but I think commonly have is flat screen TV and Aircon is the same I think" Alex said

then we headed to dining room that have a table made of wood and four chairs then we go to the balcony in front of the dining room on you can see the parking lot from here and I think this is the front of the dorm after looking around we go back inside and Alex show me to my room and his next to each other but there are 3 door next to each other so I said

"so that door is the bathroom then Alex?" I said thinking am right with my guess but he said next make no sense

"nope inside our both rooms have a bathroom and toilet so we don't need more bathroom" Alex said and we get close one of the door he said again

"this  room is mine so next to it is yours" he said then he throws a keys to me then he enter his room "I will get something to my room first so you put your things in your own room for meantime" Alex said before closing his door

"wait-" I about to ask what inside the next room to me is but I will ask him later then

so I walked back to front door the get my things there and head to my room and when I open the door the first thing noticed is the...

to be continue..

Return of the forgotten One part 1Where stories live. Discover now