chapter 10

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(Lucas POV)

I wake up because of that dream for the time being I looked at the time and see 1am of the morning and I checked if my alarm is set up or not, after seeing I set it up correctly  I when back to sleep but this time I can't sleep because my thoughts is on that particular dream and it's about a girl I'm with again like in does other dreams that I have before and that girl is really important to somehow but the thing is I can't see her face in anyone of my dreams and this girl also have a different name in each dream that I have but this dream in particular is different to the other one's because this girl and I are going in the same school not only that in that dream it's same school that I'm in right now.

I'm a NGSB, stand for no girlfriend since birth, so this dream must not be real right? but the place on that dream is on the school ground's and I'm 2nd to Alex in terms of knowing all  every nook and cranny of this school so that's why seeing that dream happen in this school bugs me really bad this time, and what more in the end and reason I wake up the girl get in a accident that it's so real to me.

I don't when but didn't know that I slept and thanks to the alam on my phone I wake up an hour early to prepare, so I do my daily stretches and head to the bathroom but I forgot that that in this place have my own bathroom I almost go outside, then I take a bath then when go out the bathroom I only wearing towel on me then I see myself on the full body mirror and I can see that I have a perfect body like does people going in the gym everyday but I don't go to gyms and get this body by doing my normal exercise routine starting on my elementary days.

not to brag but I'm so proud of this figure of mine, after checking myself on the mirror I put on clothes that I going to wear in school and I go straight to the kitchen by the way I didn't see Alex yet maybe his still a sleep like always, so I head to kitchen and start cooking our breakfast, then when I about to finish putting the breakfast on the table I heard a door open and there he is my best friend looks half a sleep because his eyes still close.

( I'm sure he will get in a accident by doing that) I thought to myself and then guess what it happens

"what up Lucas, good morning- ahh!!!" he said walking near the table then suddenly he scream because he hit his feet on one of leg's of the table

and so he is right now scream  badword if you in pain  like other people do meanwhile holding his right leg that in pain meanwhile skipping around then seated to a chair still in pain, but in the end it make him wake up straight up so that good in a way

then we start eating breakfast after that I said to him that I will jag for a bit to fresh out my mind a bit and by the way we did talk about that dream that I have last night or to be precise walk me up really early in the morning.

in our discussion we get the conclusion that it's not a normal dream or maybe it's one of that dream that I gave before when I was young but when I get older I get that type of dream lessor then before yet in the middle of that discussion Alex tease me that girl is maybe my future lover or something so I shot him down by saying I will not help him get closer to his crush/enemy before, now I really believe the saying of lovers sometimes start being enemy to lover's but in Alex case it a one sided love because that the other person wants more finished her school day's to help her family.

so right now I was jagging around campus and greeted the people that working to make this school beautiful and safe at it is now, like security guard, Janitor's and gardener's too after doing my rounds I went back to ready for school.

when we walked on the hallway we talked about his plan today and tomorrow then he said his going to the gym to start practicing with the basketball team and he still ask me do I really going back to the team or not because the couch always asking about me from him everytime because the couch wants me to be the next team captain meanwhile I brush it off by saying 'i will think about it' still continuing walking nearly next to the stair but I get stop because what he said

"Lucas can I ask a favor?" Alex said make me stop walking and turning my head to his direction with a serious face

"did you already forget, you already asked me to many favor from yesterday and now you're planning to ask more? let me have some slack here, you know I have my limits too you know" I said looked at him with annoyed by this favor thing everytime

"Lucas bro.... please this is the last one I promise!!" he said doing his begging again

"ah!! what ever you will pester me about it everytime if I did do this favor of your's anyway,  okey let me hear it.... and by the way no more this secret thing behind your parents type of favor okey?! I'm warning you this favor the something I will tell everything to aunt Alexandra after class, so make sure this favor of your's not cross that line you understand? sigh" I said then turn my body completely this time because my head hurts a bit meanwhile crossing my arm's together

"yes! and I promise it not the same thing.... it like this.... I want you help later because I was planning to confess to Christine about my feelings for her this time after our last class today and I need your help to do that" he said looked away from me awkwardly meanwhile scratching the back of his head

"huh? wait a minute are you saying your going to confess now? if you so you don't need my help if you only going to do that... so why ask for help if you can do it by your own to a place that you two can talk alone tsk.. Alex are you kidding me? I can't see a reason you need my help from doing a confession to you high crush or to be precise your puppy love from our 6 grade in our elementary day's huh?" I said still can't believe to this favor his asking right now and by hearing make me little bit disappointed to him that he only get this courage to confess to Christine all this time that he have on our high school years

(but hmm wait a minute I forget about the Christine side of this huh? if I remember correctly she said to me before when I asked regarding her love life then she said that priorities is her study first because she just like me having a scholarship to get in here and after that get a work to help her parents she said.... hmm by why do I need to tell it to Alex or not?) I thought to myself

"I was planning to do a serenata to her house like my dad did to my mom before and because you have a skill to play the guitar and all... so I want you play the music meanwhile I will sing the song, what do you think are you in?" he said that make look at him in suprise

"huh you going to serenata in her house? wait a minute it good and all, but do you really want do that old style thing? you know I know that you always hate the old stuff right like the old games, old songs and so on, and here you are ask me to do guitar play on your serenata for Christine, are you okey? did you hit your head somewhere perhaps? or that thing that happened this morning on the table did it haha" I said but I did hold because I get burst out laughing this joke of his right?

"okey, okey you can stop now... by the way it not because of the table that help but I did ask regarding my dad get mom that all and anyway are in or not?" he said stopping me from laughing and corrected me about where he get the idea from

"okey what ever just tell me later when will we go after class" I said then started walking again

but I was still looking halfway meanwhile walking backwards towards the stairs yet when I turn around I hit something or someone, and i think that person  holding many books because I first saw is the books on the floor.

for being a gentleman I helped this person and then after picking up the other books and person thanked me there I noticed that person is a girl but when I look at her but I didn't see her face because books blocking her half her books meanwhile I was giving her other books

"you should have taken the school books half at the time or maybe that you can carry will be good too, you know the library will not go anyway so you can take your time.... hmm maybe someone can help you ah hey Alex help this girl to the library and I will will head in class already and by the way think this payment in advance for the favor for later, see in class then" I said then head upstairs meanwhile giving some of the books on Alex hands

to be continue


this is the other characters that mention from past chapter look like in real life on author point of view

Alisa Dorothy Wilfried/ Hailee Steinfeld
Elizabeth Wilfried/ Angelina jolie
Nathan wilfried/ Keanu reeves
jack Wilfried/ Shawn Mendes
Sebastian ironsteel/ Jeremy irons
Christine Olsen/ Emma Watson

that all for now that for reading

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