chapter 9

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(Alisa POV)

right now I'm on my car that is a Ferrari 296 GTS color is purple my favorite color with me is jean and we are now are hiding home after finishing buying things that I need and Jean always bugs me every time that we need to go home before night came.

anyway in the end it's benefits me too because tomorrow we are going to this university to look around and decide if going to enroll myself there or not but to myself I know that I don't want to enroll there at all but I don't know why I have this is feeling that I want to go there in unknown reason, and this is the first time this happens to me.

when we get there I was called to eat dinner after that I go straight to my room meanwhile all my things that I purchase in the afternoon is already here because jean and one of the butlers help her to put my things on my room when we first arrived.

so I go straight to the bathroom to take a bath then sleep because we going early in morning to that university my parents to go and uncle Sebastian already scheduled it a week ago and we only need to go there tomorrow, so I need to sleep early.

(the next day early morning)

right now I'm driving my new car today meanwhile following the car that my parents and brother are on inside of, and I first thing I noticed is that this university is on a very far away place to where our new home are then I noticed too that we passed about two cities already.

(why is this university is so far away from us? I can't drive this far everytime I go back and forth right) I thought to myself

then suddenly the car in front of me turned right so I followed and turn right too, after we just get out of the the boundary of 2nd city came in by the way I'm using a GPS right now so that's why I know.

then on our way I saw a sign saying (Gonzales university up a head) so that's the name of the university huh, by the looks of it it's a private university to me

then suddenly after passing by all the home next to the street then I only see trees then about 3 mins I saw a big parking lot and a sign said Gonzales university and sign drive slowly because we are near a school ground's that I followed by slowing my car then drive in to that parking lot following my parents car that parked near the front gate of university, so I park next to them then we get off the car and I heard my brother amazed that a school like this have a big parking lot like this and it's looks neat too because of the place that you can see everywhere here but yet this parking lot looks like the size of a medium size airport that I saw by only it's own

(so how big is this university that you can let a place this big just for a parking lot) I thought to myself meanwhile looking around and following my parents to the gate

but suddenly I don't know why I stop from my walking and look around one last time then here I saw a blue with black stripes on it if I remember that's car used on that movie fast and the furious called challenger right, then the car came close in to our area near us, not to close about two rows of car away to where we parked so not to far and not too close from us either and then I saw two guys talking to one another get out the car meanwhile taking out luggage from the back seat of the car then the other one walk to the truck on the back of the car that I can't see the other guy because they parked in perpendicular back parking way so when he go out the car he go straight to back and open the truck that cover his face when this guy turn around, I don't know why I have this feeling that I want to see his face

"Alisa dear? are you okey, why did you stop there? we need to go dear the principal is wait for us" my mom said that makes me look at her direction

" it's nothing I'm fine, I just saw a someone parking right there-" I said but when I look around I can only see the car with out the two guys before

"huh? that's weird, it's to early for a student go to school this time of morning hmm maybe this country school time is different then" mom said looking at the direction where I was looking and it's the only car can be seen except for ours

so I looked around to see where the two guys went but I can see them at all, after looking around we go straight inside the university too only me and mom is last one still outside because dad and my brother is already inside and looking around only uncle Sebastian waited for us and we go straight to the principal office and I noticed that the principal is also the owner of this school and what Sebastian said is also true about this school having kindergarten to college students studying here and also the principal said they have a dorms here too then asked about what courses they have here and one of them is what I want but still I have my doubts for enroll here and so ask more questions regarding this school and the principal happily answered every one of them.

(looks like this school have everything that I will be needing and all but it's end up of me having no excuse to not get enrolled here to my parents sigh) I thought to myself

meanwhile we are right now being tour around campus and I know that on the west side is where the kindergarten and elementary students go to meanwhile the high school or middle school go to the east side and there also a big gym there too and then the college student is on the south side of the entire school and there is the dorm's that the principal said too

meanwhile on the north part is the parking lot that we came in too and also the the main entrance as well and when I looking around I can see in the side of view that my brother is amazed to how big this school is by looking at the place where I think club member practice like the swimming pool that we passed by a while ago and the gym too.

after the tour around campus we bit farewell to the principal by the way her name is Alexandra Gonzales I saw on the name in front of the principal office then we go main entrance is yet I thought we are going home already because we're on the parking lot and few step away to our cars, but no they walk passed the car and I can also saw my brother confused face too

but still we both siblings just followed behind my parents meanwhile uncle Sebastian is leading the way and then we crossed the street and there is a 10 storey building in front of this us

"Sebastian is this the place?" my dad said he

"yes sir Nathan" uncle Sebastian said

"alisa dear can you let your brother get a ride from your car and you both can go ahead first home, because we maybe take to long for talking to someone here,so go home first and we will ask you what is your decision later then" this time mom talked to us both

"can we really go straight home already!?" my brother Jack said exactly

haha by the looks of it he just wants to go back to the gaming room back home and my parents know it

"yes you can but before that jack, I don't want to know that you going to play games until afternoon meanwhile not eating lunch or any real food, I will banned you to use the gaming room for a week do you understand?" dad said then looked at me

"Alisa dear can you bring your brother back home with you? and later when we get home we will discuss about your enrollment, okey bye now see you later then" dad said then he headed inside the this particular building in front of us

"bye mom, bye dad see you later! sis let's go I want to try the other games in the game room" Jack said then walked back to parking lot a cross the street

hmm I don't remember my parents saying to me that have acquaintance here? neh let forget about it  it's my parents business not mine anywhy let's think about what will happen later regarding my enrollment in this school

(meanwhile inside the building)

on the ground floor of building where the owner living Nathan, Elizabeth and Sebastian are waiting on the dining room for the owner to come out of his room, so the 3 of them seated to chair as to what the teenager grandson of the owner said to them to wait there and he will get his grandfather

about 5 minutes later the owner and his grandson came in the dining room and they give their greeting to one another and talking regarding business and about the mysterious lady that is also this owner benefactor and so they exchange information to one another

to be continue

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