stop growing so tall!

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In one fine day when Patrick is practicing dance alone at the living room, Keyu suddenly appeared and stood still in front of Patrick.

"Patrick you've grown so well, you're about my height now. I don't like it!"

Keyu said while crossed his arms. Patrick was confused with the sudden action of him and frowned.

"You don't like it?" He asked and copying Keyu's position, while finding the tall guy is kinda cute being unsatisfied with the fact that he is growing tall. "What makes you hate so much about me being tall?"

"It's easier for me to kiss the shorter you."

Patrick was stunned. He never expected that would be the answer from him. For a second, he's back to his senses and becomes very shy and blushed with the guy in front of him.

"Fuck you. Be taller then!"

"I don't want to. Everyone knows it."

"Then, don't kiss me anymore!"

Without wasting a second, Keyu lean down and pressed his lips on Patrick's. Patrick was very angry so he wrapped his arms around Keyu's neck aggressively and reply the kiss brutally. That's what the naughty Keyu boy wants and he likes it very much.

He didn't want to break the passionate kiss until Patrick pull off just immediately. He really make sure to leave Keyu's lips swollen before breaking the kiss. Patrick give Keyu a death stare but Keyu smile slyly at him and rests his forehead on Patrick's to calm himself down a bit from the kiss war.

"I didn't know it taste better, maybe we should try this often." Keyu said while exhaling heavily. "But still, I want the shorter you."

"Fuck you bitch, I hate you!"

"Love you too, babe.."


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