just cuddles

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Lemme tell you what happened after the event..

Lemme tell you what happened after the event

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They're all tired and needed to rest

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They're all tired and needed to rest. Keyu received a message told him to head to the living room as soon as he arrives.

Keyu opened the door. He walks over to him and hugs the Thai boy.

"Let's go sit down, shall we?" Patrick instantly smiles and nods.

They walk over to the wide couch, Keyu laying down first. Patrick lays next to him, burying his face into the taller's black suit.



"Take off your suit."

"Excuse me?"

"Take off, your suit.. " Patrick repeats, in a some-what whining manner.


"Please? It will be easier to cuddle!" Keyu sighs, Patrick and his needs, he thought.

"Fine." Keyu takes off his suit and throws his glasses off. Then, he unbuttons a few buttons of his black shirt, loosening his belt in process.

"At least I'm comfortable." Keyu says and lays back down.

He turns to Patrick, realizing Patrick had also taken off his white suit and took his black shirt off, leaving him in a black top tank and his pants.

Keyu blushes and Patrick just winks and return.

"You are unbelievable, Paipai."

"What, can't handle me?" Patrick smirks, earning a glare from the older.

Patrick just continues to place his head back on Keyu's chest and snuggles him closer. Keyu wraps his arms around Patrick in return, burying his face in Patrick's hair.

"Daniel, can you look at me for a second?" Patrick asks, looking up.

"Yes?" Keyu looks down at Patrick, a questioning look on face.

He got caught off guard when Patrick smashed his lips into his. Keyu moans and kisses back instantly. Patrick climbs on top of him, pressing harder into the kiss, stroking Keyu's neck and cheeks.

They pull away, knowing their lungs desperately need air.

"You sneaky little bunny, you're unpredictable today." Keyu says, panting after every word.

Patrick giggles and dives down to his neck, placing kisses everywhere. Keyu moans in response, running his fingers through Patrick's hair. Patrick licks and bites the sensitive skin repeatedly, which makes Keyu pull Patrick's hair, moaning louder in the process.

"P-patrick...I d-don't think this i-is just cuddling..."

"Shut up, you're enjoying it." Patrick smirks and lays head back on Keyu's chest. "I've teased you enough. Let's just sleep here, I'm so tired."

Keyu buries his face into Patrick's hair.

"You want them to know?" Keyu smirks and kisses his head.

"Let's get caught up together tomorrow."

"Ahh finally!"

🍉may18th23🍑 yesterday's Keyu's birthday 🎉

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