rights misunderstanding

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It's weekend and Patrick is chatting happily with Hazel in their favorite spot to spend together, the Moonlight Cafe. The vibes are peaceful and calming, where Patrick loves to chills from stressful days.

"Thick scarf and a pink beanie? Is it soo cool in here?" Hazel asks to fill the silence.

"It's you, weirdo. You wear like it's summer, it's been a week since winter. Who are you judging my style?" Patrick reply sarcastically.

"Up to you, bro." She said and take a sip of her hot chocolate.

It went silent again. But a comfortable one.

"Say something.." Patrick said while pinching both her cheeks.

"I'm done talking, you always cut the conversation."

"Aw, I just wanna tease you more. We'll rarely meet each other after this."

Hazel just glare at him and before she's about to say something, they were approach by a tall guy.

"Excuse me girls, sorry for interrupting but," That guy look at Patrick sweetly. "May I ask for your number?" He winks at him.

Patrick was very surprised and he look at Hazel while widened his eyes. She'd already laughing at him and trying her best to control herself.

"Um," Patrick cleared his throat and smiles awkwardly at the guy. "Sorry for the 'girls' but, I'm a guy.."

"Oh," The tall guy covered his mouth and laugh. "I am very sorry! I thought you guys are girl besties just hanging out together. That's so rude of me, I'm so sorry for taking your time.."

"It's alright. I know what you thinking, we're not dating. I'm Hazel and you guessed right, that's my bestie, Patrick." She introduced themselves to him.

"I'm Daniel. I'm just very sorry, Patrick. I really thought you're a girl. And the way you treat her is very soft."

"That's okay, it's also because of this pink beanie right? Pink is my favorite color and, she's pretty crazy for claiming me as her bestie. She's my sister, this is how I treat her. Maybe I should start to hang out with guys instead of this crazy girl." Patrick explain to him.

Daniel nodding interested. He then smiles warmly again at them.

"Is that so? So, Patrick.. Do you mind if I, still want your number?"

Patrick blinks for several times and that gives him goosebumps. He didn't see that coming.

"YES YES YES, DANIEL! I'll give it to you!" Hazel couldn't hide her happiness.

She took Daniel's phone from his hand that has opened the dial keypad and saves Patrick's phone number. Patrick was stunned and his ears started to get red. Daniel couldn't stop smiling looking at him. Patrick hides his face from Daniel and started to blush out of blue.

"Here you go, my brother-in-law. I gave you my number too, in case he's running away from you. Just text me anytime."

Patrick's jaw dropped as he heard she is now claiming him as her brother-in-law. He didn't make any decision to be in relationship with that stranger guy.

"Thanks so much, Hazel. I need to go now, let's hang out soon shall we?" Daniel said and winks at them before he left.

"What are you so excited about it?" Patrick glare at her.

"I've changed my mind, I don't want a sister-in-law anymore.."

"You're not just crazy, you're an idiot too.."


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