um, getting shower together?

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Mika told Keyu to take his phone in his room so Keyu went upstairs to his room and searched for the phone everywhere but couldn't find it.

While he's busy searching for it, suddenly Patrick running out from the bathroom inside the room while screaming. He wears nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He look at Keyu and runs to him.

"A cockroach?" Keyu asked, knowing the younger well.

"Yea, but I promise, this time it's bigger than you. Please kill it before it eats us!"

Keyu chuckled before he asked,

"How can I kill it if it's bigger than me?"

"Whatever, just kill it. I need to wash my hair quick!"

"Alright alright.." Keyu take Mika's slipper as a weapon and he stepped into the bathroom cautiously.

He then feels tiny hands tugging his shirt from his back.

"What are you doing?" He asked Patrick.

"Just wanna see how you do it."

"And you don't need my help in the future anymore right?"

"No? I'd never kill a cockroach, it's your job."

Keyu sighed and went to focus again. He know it will be harder for him move if Patrick sticks behind him but he wouldn't know when he can tease his didi again.

"Watch and learn."

Keyu said and pulls Patrick's hands to hold on his waist.

"There! He's the one peeking me showering!"

"Seriously? Peeking you?" Keyu asks while struggling to hit the cockroach.

"It's running to your leg!" Keyu screams and Patrick yelled.

"AAHHH! KEYUU!!" Patrick stomp his leg and hugged Keyu tightly.

Little did he know, the older is just teasing him. Keyu's body stopped functioning. His heart is beating so fast and he can feel the friction inside his body. Patrick's naked chest is sticking behind his body right now.

He stood up straight and hold Patrick's hands on his stomach.

"It's dead, Paipai. I'm just teasing you." He said and not dare turn to look at Patrick while blushes.

Patrick tighten the embrace and start sobbing.

"You're cruel! You know I'm scared as hell. I hate you!"

Keyu smirks and shakes his head. His mission accomplished, he guessed? He then turned and hugs Patrick.

"I'm sorry, I'll never do that again."

Patrick look at him sternly. "I HATE YOU!"

"Okay okay, I get it, you hate me. Just, please stop crying you little cry baby."

"I'm not a cry baby!"

"Really? Then who's baby is crying right now?"

"Zhou Dan's baby Patrick is crying right now." Suddenly a voice interrupted them.

"Why did you bully Patrick? I'm just asking you to take my phone." It's Mika. He take his phone on the bed and look at them.

"Just finish whatever you guys doing and get down. We're shooting something else." He left them without giving a chance to say anything back.

"Um, you think he saw us like this?" Patrick asks.

He's aware that they're on a position where no one's ever saw them before. He's wearing nothing but a towel and hugging his gege Keyu in the bathroom.

"Yup, definitely." Keyu said and still didn't make any movement.

"By the way, you made my shirt dirty. The shampoo on my back.."

"It's not dirty, shampoo is clean in case you don't know."

"But still, my shirt is wet because of you."

"Just wear mine or Mika's then."


It was silent for a moment.

"A-Are we done? Can we let each other go now?"

"Yeah, of course." Keyu said and slowly loosen his arms around Patrick.

"Can you make it quick? I think I want to get shower too since Mika said we're shooting again."

"You know I can't, there's still many things to do to my hair. C'mon boy, this bathroom is big.. you get shower while I do my hair. We can make it quick."

Keyu nodded.

"As you say so.."

Just with that, Patrick forgot to get mad at Keyu for teasing him earlier..

🌱Written in april27th23, publish on may25th23🌱

Into1 disbanded a month ago🥲

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