Chapter Eighteen

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Warning! This chapter doesn't go into detail about it but it does mention r4p3. If this is triggering to anyone please read with care.


"We, the jury, have looked into the charges Nova Morgan is facing. While we find her guilty of Simple Kidnapping, there is still a problem. At any level of kidnapping, the lowest possible sentence is three years in prison." 

She'd barely finished her sentence when a heartbroken sob could be heard, eyes drifting towards Kenny. Kenny had covered his mouth by now, scooting backwards on the table. Alissa embraced the boy, pulling him close in a poor attempt to comfort him. Three years. She wondered if the boy would last even half of the first year if it came to that.

The woman frowned at Kenny's reaction but she had to continue. "We feel that three years in this circumstance would be too long of a sentence. However, we do know that there has to be consequences. As a jury, we'd like to ask if it would be at all possible to turn three years into a maximum of three months. This case is a very special one. The victim hardly a victim at all."

The judge sat up in his chair, his hands folded neatly in front of him. He gazed at the other members of the jury. Not one looked like they disagreed. "That is quite the request."

"We've taken into consideration every single aspect. We fear that if she's put away even for the shortest time available, that boy will not be alive when she gets out. His mental health is poor. We've all heard how Ms. Morgan aided him with that. And we've all witnessed him breaking down more than once in this brief trial. None of us believe this woman is a monster."

The other eight members of the jury murmured in agreement. Doing their best to make this look as unanimous as it was, hoping that would aid in the judge's final decision.

However, the prosecutor stood from his seat, his face contorted in rage. "You can't be serious!" he scoffed. He was speaking quite out of turn. "Three months is like a slap on the wrist. If you let her get away with this like that, who is to stop others from trying the same and thinking they can get away with it?! What's to stop a murderer, or a rapist, from making up some silly story about how they were 'helping' their victim?!"

"Mr. Keys, you did not just compare to crimes that traumatize and kill to this situation, did you?" The judge's eyes turned towards the man, a disapproving scowl on his face. "In no way could anyone turn a rape case into a helpful story. In no way could someone that takes the life of another ever prove what they did was a good thing."

"Just like no one can prove what Ms. Morgan has done here is a good thing!" Mr. Keys tried to argue. 

"Sit down. Now. And if you speak out of turn like that again I'll have removed from the room. We all witnessed on that screen right there," the judge pointed to the television in the corner of the room, "what his foster parents were like to him. That in itself proved that Ms. Morgan was doing what she thought was right. That she was doing something good. Those people were manipulators. They manipulated the police many times over to get them to back off and think nothing was wrong."


"I said sit, Mr. Keys!"

The other man scoffed, and slowly retook his seat at his own table. Scowling at the judge. The jury. 

"Three months is quite the reduction from three years," the judge once more faced the Foreperson. "It shall be said again this is a very special case. But I assume you have more things to add before we were so rudely interrupted. Please, continue."

The dark-haired woman nodded and took a moment to glance at the papers then again looked up to speak directly to the judge. "In addition to these three months, Ms. Morgan will not be allowed to have contact with Kenny. This may be very hard for the both of them, but it adds another temporary punishment."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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