Chapter Eight

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It didn't take Kenny long at all, perhaps only five minutes to actually choose which one the puppies he wanted. Only one of them was relatively calm enough with him. The other jumped around and barked too much for his liking. Now, had he been his normal height, that wouldn't have mattered but each time something proved itself to be bigger than he, he was reminded how careful he needed to be now too.

"Does he have a name yet?" Nova questioned, realizing that maybe that should've been one of the first things she asked when Todd arrived.

While calming down the other pups, Todd looked over to the German Sheppard that laid on the bed beside Kenny, its black nose pressed against the small boy. Kenneth, in return, had his arms wrapped gently around the muzzle and leaning against it. Hiding or even fighting a smile would be impossible at the sight. "Yes, they all do. I guess I shoulda said that, huh?" He muttered with a light chuckle. "Louie. He's Louie."

"Louie," Kenneth repeated quietly, and the pup lifted its head, recognizing its name. He grinned and only nestled himself closer to his new friend. 

"How much do I owe you?" Nova asked Todd, but her warm gaze never left the small boy. 

Todd, who was still uneasy about this whole situation, followed her gaze to look at the young teen. His clothes were clean, his hair too. But the bandages on his arm concerned him, and he thought back to how timid and shy Kenny had been at first. He thought back to some of Nova's words when she was defending what she'd done to him. Realization sunk in, and he frowned deeply. "The boy's been through Hell, hasn't he?" Todd asked in a hushed voice.

Turning to now look at her friend, Nova gave a faint nod, her eyes suddenly looking quite distressed. And yet, at the same time, anger swirled behind her iris's. "That foster family of his treated him as nothing more than a nuisance, if not worse. His bandages, they're from-" the young woman needed to close her eyes and take a deep breath to finish. "I picked him up in an alley. He'd been using a rusty pocket knife t-to- God, I'd take him to a doctor to check for tetanus if I could."

Understanding what she meant, Todd was quick to give his long-term best friend a tight hug. "You're doing such a good thing underneath all of what this looks like. I just hope you don't get caught. I don't think the police will stop to listen to your story."

"No, but they'll listen to Kenneth," Nova murmured softly. "So even if I were to get caught, if Kenny can say everything that has happened to him, he won't go back to them. He'd go somewhere better, even if it isn't with me."

Kenny, who had been silently listening to them the entire time tightened his hold on the clumps of fur in his hands. "I can hear you, you know," he finally said, turning his chocolate brown eyes to stare at the wall to avoid looking anywhere in particular.

Managing a simple, meek smile, Nova walked to the bed now and knelt down. She stretched a hand forward to stroke his hair but frowned when the boy's little head flinched back from her touch. 

"You know what, forget the money," Todd muttered. "I'll get these other puppies home so you two can talk. I'll bring over a food and water dish too, along with a small bag of food, a collar, and a leash. It's the least I can do right now."

Words wouldn't be able to describe how thankful Nova was, and she didn't even have to voice it. When she turned to actually thank her friend, Todd simply gave a soft, understanding nod. He was giving a reason to leave so the two could talk privately. Small things like that were why she's kept him in her life this long.

"If you get caught by the cops, I-I don't want to go anywhere else. I-I couldn't. N-No one would want to look after me like this, n-nobody would," Kenny had only just noticed the few tears that had already started running down his face. 

"Sweetheart," Nova moved a little faster this time so he couldn't shy away and scooped him into her arms, cradling him against her to the best of her ability. "That isn't true. Especially if the police are the ones looking for somewhere for you to stay. But I'm not going to get caught, I won't get arrested, you'll have me right here by your side to look after you."

The warmth that came from her arms and body always comforted him. He didn't know how it worked like that, but it did. He was able to rest his head against her closest hand and lift his knees to his chest to curl up against her body. "I-I don't want t-to go with anyone else. I-I want to st-stay with you."

It broke her heart to see him this way, and yet at the same time warmed her heart to hear such things from him. "I'm not going anywhere," she crooned, her fingers stroking his hair and back in a slow, calm motion. 

"Good," Kenneth muttered muffledly, his face hidden against her as he sniffled and wiped away the remaining water droplets on his cheeks.

The German Sheppard pup had made his way into Nova's lap now, his large nose pressing up against her arms as he tried to get to Kenneth with soft, worried whimpers. 

"Aw, look, your friend wants to see you," Nova murmured gently as she lowered her arms to allow her adopted son and puppy to see each other.

"He's a good boy," Kenny said softly, giggling as the cold nose pressed against him and tickled his skin. "Good boy, huh?" 

Louie's tail wagged happily behind him in response and he laid down, half on an half off of Nova's lap as the three sat on the bed. For now, they just felt like they could sit and relax. Simply enjoy each others company, and it was a wonderful thing. 

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