Chapter Four

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Nova had been lying in her bed, having drifted off into a dreamless sleep while thinking about what to do to help Kenneth feel more at home tomorrow when a scream ripped her from her slumber and caused her to shoot upright. It was soft, yet loud enough for her to hear the pure terror and desperation. 

The young woman flew from her bed and sprinted across the hall, her long nightgown billowing around her. When she pushed open the door, Kenneth was lying there where she'd left him, curled into a trembling little ball. His sobs were loud, heartbreaking. 

"Kenny?" She whispered his name, flinching in surprise when he squeaked in fear and dove under the rag he'd used for a blanket. "Oh, Kenny, it's just me sweetheart."

"N-Nova?" He slowly peeked out at her, sweat causing his hair to stick firmly to his face and his clothes looked just as soaked. He pushed the rag down, stood up on shaky legs, and wiped stray tears from his face. "D-Did I wake you?"

"No, you didn't," she lied smoothly, knowing it would only make Kenneth feel guilty. She knelt in front of the bed, her brows furrowing as she gazed at the small boy with worried eyes. "What happened?"

"J-Just a nightmare is all," Kenny again wiped his face, happy that she'd knelt down so she didn't tower over him. It would take a little while to get used to that feeling. The feeling of being completely helpless against someone...but then again, he's always been like that, hasn't he?

Nova very carefully crawled into the bed, gazing at him and lying on her side. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Kenneth squeezed his eyes shut, images of that dream flashing through his mind which only made his body quiver. "Th-They found called me names once again. I-I couldn't breathe, b-but I could feel every bit of air leaving my lungs, I-I could hear my own bones shattering." He only trembled more, his hands raising to his head to grip his sweaty brown hair tightly. 

The young woman felt awful. How could she have been so stupid? Of course, he wouldn't recover right away, he would need time, and help to get over such horrible fears. Such tormenting memories. "They will not find you here, I promise. And even if they did, trust me when I say that they wouldn't be able to hurt you. I'd make sure of that. I'd put your life before my own."

Her words struck something deep inside him. Something he rarely felt, nearly forgotten, and what he felt just a few hours earlier when he'd been bandaged and given new, warm clothes to wear. He knew it was happiness. It was just such a strange, overwhelming new emotion after so many years of anguish and terror.

Turning to Nova, who was still lying on the bed near him, he ran forward and flung himself into her body. His hands grabbed hold of her shirt as he desperately clung to her. How did he feel so safe with this woman whom he barely knew? Why did he trust her more than he trusted his own gut at this point? He's not even been with her a day, and yet somehow he feels like he can rely on her. Was that wrong?

Nova was surprised but touched at his actions. Slowly, she lifted a hand to place it over the small boy's back and ran her fingers up and down the flannel material. She didn't speak, knowing that he may pull away if she mentioned it and said something that made him think he upset her. 

Kenny could feel tears welling in his eyes no matter how much he tried to fight them. Why was he crying? He wasn't sad or hurt, or even scared. "I-I'm sorry th-that I'm crying. I-I don't...I don't understand. I-I'm not afraid."

Nova closed her eyes as a soft chuckle emitted from her throat. She had to close her eyes. She could feel tears welling in her own at his actions and words. "I-It can happen when you are happy. Joy is just as overwhelming as fear sometimes, and it can make you cry," she whispered, opening her eyes to gaze down at him as tears began to run down her own face.

Kenneth wiped his eyes with his sleeve, then smiled and looked up at Nova. His smile faltered at seeing her own tears. "D-Did I upset you?!" He asked suddenly, beginning to struggle against the hand on his back.

"N-No. I-I'm just as happy," Nova murmured, bringing her other arm around to hug him gingerly to her body. Her fingers stroked and played with his hair, rubbed his back, and simply just held him.

As it was still the middle of the night, Kenneth found himself growing just as tired as he was earlier when he had originally fallen asleep. Except this time, he knew he didn't have to worry about the nightmares. So, getting himself comfortable, he curled up and allowed his brown eyes to slowly close.

The young woman felt his small form growing increasingly limp and heavy in her arms. She didn't mind one bit and simply held him, allowing him to fall asleep. God knew he needed it. And just like before, she placed a delicate kiss to the top of his head and smiled. "Goodnight, Kenny."

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