Chapter Five

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~Three Days Later~

Busy in the kitchen making breakfast, Nova listened to the news reports. Just the typical stuff, car accidents, politics, but then it was something in particular that caught her attention.

"It has come to the attention of local police that a thirteen-year-old boy named Kenneth Rogers has gone missing from his home last night. His foster parents reported him missing at around ten o' clock P.M. and stated he hadn't been home all day."

A sick feeling churned in Nova's stomach while a sense of anger washed over her being. Not because people were now looking for Kenny, but because those monsters dressed like people waited two days before reporting his disappearance. "I can't believe them!" She scoffed aloud, stirring the eggs on the skillet. 

"They don't care about me," Kenny spoke from his place on the kitchen table, watching Nova cook and enjoying the wonderful smells that wafted around him. "Most likely they just want their personal punching bag back."

Kenny grew accustomed rather quickly to Nova but was still getting used to this new size. Little noises scared him, and his nightmares about his foster parents finding him only grew worse the past few nights. 

"Well, they're not going to get you back," Nova said softly, glancing over her shoulder to take a look at the young teen. "I promise."

"I believe you," Kenny said softly. His voice, however, wasn't very convincing as he nodded in her direction. And he truly did, but there was always a bit of doubt planted in his heart that constantly told him that they would find him. And when they did, he'd be dead.

The young woman turned off the stove and a soft sigh passed her lips. She could hear the doubt in his voice. The uncertainty. "You had another nightmare last night."

Biting down on his bottom lip, his brown eyes wandered off to the side. She didn't even have to ask him. It was just a fact at this point. "Y-Yeah. They're...getting worse. I don't know what to do."

Using her spatula to transfer the eggs onto one normal plate, and one much smaller plate, Nova sighed once more. "We'll figure it out together, Kenneth."

Kenny could only nod in response, feeling ashamed of himself no matter what Nova said. He just wanted the nightmares to end. He wanted to be happy without living in fear.


After breakfast, Nova had an idea. It wasn't much, but it was something that could possibly help Kenny. So, before she even did the dishes, she had him join her at her desk in another room and sat in front of her laptop.

"What are we doing?" He asked softly, seating himself on his knees. He sat close to the laptop, liking the warmth that radiated from the device.

"The internet is a wonderful place. Surely it has something that can help me help you," she said calmly, her fingers clacking against the keys as she put in her password and searched through 'Goggles' different links and images. 

As he waited, Kenneth let his mind wander as he stared up at the large woman's face. She was so kind and motherly to him. He appreciated more than she could ever imagine, and here he was, still a slight bit afraid of her and worried about being found by his foster parents. 

What did he have to be afraid of with Nova, though? She hasn't said anything cruel, done anything to harm him, or even left him on his own when he was scared. She would crawl into his bed and let him snuggle into her just for the comfort he needed. A smile tugged at his lips. Nova was like his mom, and he liked having a mom that seemed to love him and take care of him.

"Aha, here we go," Nova's voice rang out, and she looked to him with a warm smile. "It says here that therapy tends to help, but we can't really take you to see someone. But maybe I could try some of the things a therapist would do just to help you out. Does that sound alright? Oh, and here...some people suggest"

For only a moment, his heart stopped. "I've always wanted a pet, but, how would we get one if I'm like this?" Kenneth asked curiously, though was already imagining everything he could get. A dog? Cat? Hamster? Chinchilla? So many different animals ran through his mind, and he loved each and every idea that popped up.

Even if he couldn't see it, Nova could see the way his eyes lit up at just the idea of having something of his own. It made her heart lift with the hope that she could really help him. An animal that he could play with, though limited, and have to keep him company whenever he needed it. "I was thinking of a dog. They're loyal and fairly easy to train. A guard dog, too. A breed that's gentle, but also protective. One that will take care of you when I cannot."

Biting down on his lower lip, he let the different breeds of dogs run through his mind. Pitbulls, Mastiffs, Great Danes, but there was one that he kept picturing, that his heart told him to choose. "A-A German Shepard. I-I've always liked them. Police dogs, a-and they're easy to train too. W-We could get a puppy, and raise him or her."

She was certainly surprised to hear him suggest a puppy, especially at his size, but she felt a sense of pride in her heart. He was trying, and that made her happy. "We could try, but if that doesn't work out, we'll get an older dog. Okay?" 

Kenneth's heart swelled with the same joy he felt every time she did something kind, and he jumped to his feet, his messy brown hair flopping around his face. "Yes! That's perfect!" He squeaked excitedly before looking away, embarrassed of himself for reacting that way.

Nova knew he was embarrassed, but she thought he was reaction was adorable. She didn't mention it and simply allowed her finger to brush over his hair. "Let's get you to your room, and you can get dressed. Then we'll go out. I know the perfect place to start shopping for pets, and I even have a friend nearby who can arrange a bit of a playdate for us so you can meet a few pups."

Grinning happily, Kenny wanted to run forward and hug her but settled for grabbing hold of the hand nearby and squeezing it. "Thank you so much!"

Nova only giggled, lowering her head to peck a gentle kiss on the boy's head. "Don't thank me yet. I haven't found you the perfect puppy yet."

Nestling his face into the warmth of her skin, he breathed deeply to try and keep himself calm. He was safe with her, he knew that. He had to stop that fear that kept trying to sneak up on him anytime she touched him. Then again, it has only been three days. Kenny knew he was allowed a little bit of a hesitation. It would take tim for that fear to totally go away.

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