Chapter Six

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Kenneth stood on the surface of his nightstand, gazing at himself in a mirror that was set up to be just his height. He could hear Nova humming a light tune outside his door as she waited for him to signal that he was finished changing. 

Staring into the mirror, Kenny took in his neat brown hair that hung slightly in his face due to never being properly trimmed. He took in the jeans made just for him. No holes, no stains, just a clean, well-made pair of pants along with a simple red t-shirt that was a little baggy due to his thin stature. 

His lips twitched into a smile, and he locked eyes with the brown ones staring back at him through the glass. He had never liked looking in mirrors when he was with those people. All he had ever seen staring back at him with a filthy, frightened, useless boy. Now he saw himself smile. If it was possible, he'd almost forgotten entirely what he looked like with one. It was all thanks to her. "I-I'm done!"

Nova had been standing just outside the bedroom, waiting patiently for Kenny to let her know he was finished. She'd left the door open just a crack to ensue she would hear him. Sure enough, just a few minutes later his small but clear voice called out to her.

Poking her head into the room, Nova was surprised to see a young smiling face staring back at her. "What's this? What have you done with Kenny? This isn't the same young man, my Kenneth didn't wear such a cute little smile." She murmured teasingly with a wide grin. It was wonderful to see him looking do happy after so many years of torture.

The young teen simply rolled his eyes, his bangs flopping over his face. He kept his mouth shut and turned away, playfully pouting and avoiding looking back to Nova.

"Come on, don't be like that," she said with a quiet giggle, stretching a hand forward and gently stroking his hair with a finger. "It was a compliment."

Kenneth flinched at the gentle touch and internally screamed at himself for doing so. He didn't mean to do that, it was a reflex by now. A habit that anytime someone touched him his body would shoot into fight or flight mode for a few seconds. Hoping Nova didn't see, he spun around to once more hug the large hand before it could pull away from him. "I know," he said with a childish giggle. "So, how is today going to work?"

"Oh, Todd is going to bring a couple of his German Shepard puppies over. His own had pups, he sells them once they're old enough. And since they're used to people I thought it best to try from one of them. Todd is trustworthy, he is the only one I would ever tell about you. Don't be afraid, he's a good man." 

She felt bad for springing it on him like that, for not giving him a lot of time to prepare himself to be around another person at that height. But she also didn't want him to suffer so much anxiety over the past few days worrying about what her friend would be like. 

Her hand, which was still in his embrace, felt him tense. He slowly lifted his head, his eyebrows furrowed anxiously. "B-But, wh-what if...what if he tells the police? I-I don't want to go back to them. Not like this. I-I-" His breathing increased rapidly, his small body began to tremble. He was gasping now, his arms releasing her hand to reach up and tug at his brown locks.

Nova reacted quickly to this attack, her hands scooping him up. One supported him, allowing him to sit, while the other curled around behind him to prevent him from falling. She brought him close, her thumb rubbing up and down his back in circular motions. She'd read a few things online about panic attacks, just so she could be prepared. "Hush...shh now. Easy, honey. They aren't going to get you. They will never get to you. I promise."

Her motherly tone, gentle touch, and kind words aided in Kenneth's calming down. His body slumped against her hands, his arms wrapped tightly around himself. He believed her, but he constantly worried about the 'what ifs'. What if they found him? What if he was taken away? What if Nova went to prison for kidnapping him when all she did was save him? Sure, she shrunk him too but Kenny knew that was necessary. "When...when will he get here?" He managed to choke out through his heavy breathing. 

Nova's eyes only lifted from the young teen to check the clock hanging on her wall. "About five to ten more minutes. But it's possible he'll arrive early or late, people do that after all." Her voice remained soft, her fingers never ceasing their comforting gestures. She could still feel him slightly trembling after all. "If you don't want to be here when he is, I can-"

"No," Kenny interrupted and looked up. "I want to be here. I-I want...I want to see the puppies." 

A sense of joy quickly swelled inside of Nova's heart to hear him say something that any kid would say. It was so rare to hear such a thing from him. His own wants overtook the fear he so obviously felt, and she was very proud of him for wanting to stay out despite someone else coming around that he didn't know.

Giving him another gentle hug, she leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "Then you can. Hopefully, you like one of them."

"Hopefully one of them likes me," Kenny responded with a meek smile, his breathing and heart rate finally slowing down. He was just a bit worried that one of the dogs would try and hurt him, but he knew that Nova wouldn't let that happen. 

Just as they began to slow down, his heart rate immediately spiked once again when he heard the doorbell. It was very loud to him but short enough that he didn't have time to cover his ears. It could only startle him into holding tighter onto the hands against him. "I-Is that him? Todd?" Kenneth asked nervously while shuffling closer to Nova.

Nova's thumb once again stroked the young teen's back. "Most likely. Do you want to wait here?"

Biting the inside of his cheek, Kenny nodded and slowly released her hand despite not wanting to. "B-Be quick, okay? Please?"

"I promise," she murmured, walking to leave the room. For a moment, she paused and turned to blow him a kiss before disappearing around the corner.

Watching her round the corner, Kenny found his already pounding heart beat faster. For the first time in a few days, Kenneth found himself alone. And afraid to be alone. 

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