Chapter Nine

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Kenny let out a slow exhale, laying on his back on his pillow. Starlight was the only light coming through his window, sending streaks of white across his walls and floor. It was pretty and soothing to look at, and his new puppy lay sound asleep at his feet. Yet the small boy couldn't bring himself to close his eyes and join Louie in a peaceful dreamland.

This was one of the many nights he'd be staying here now. He had his own room, his own bed, he had everything he's ever wanted. He didn't want to seem ungrateful, but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong. Why couldn't he sleep? Why did his nightmares continue, despite knowing he was safe now?

His dark brown eyes wandered over to the door of his room which was cracked open in case he needed up in the middle of the night. It wasn't too late, so he wasn't concerned that Nova wasn't back from job-hunting just yet. She wanted to get a new job. One that she could work nights, so she'd be gone only while he was asleep. 

Kenny was supposed to be asleep right now. Still, his body wouldn't allow him to relax enough. His adoptive mother wasn't here. Sure, Louie was, but every creak the house made still caused his heart rate to spike and his mind to run wild.

After another half-hour of lying in his bed, Kenneth couldn't take it any longer and sat up. "Louie? Louie, wake up boy, come on," he urged, watching the German Sheppard's ears twitch in response. The large tail began to wag back and forth, but the chocolate brown eyes remained closed.

Shaking his head lightly, Kenny chuckled lightly and smiled to himself. "At least one of us is sleeping soundly," he muttered to no one in particular and inched his way towards the edge of the bed.

He wasn't the most physically strong person. He'd always hated gym class at school. And he had zero idea why he even considered climbing the blankets to get to the floor. It was a horrible idea and if he fell, Nova wasn't home to help him. If he fell, there was a high chance that he'd end up killing himself. And yet, that last thought made him want to try it even more. If he fell, he might not survive. 

The back of his mind screamed at him. Told him he wasn't supposed to be having those thoughts anymore. Begged him not to try it, for Nova's sake. However, he couldn't resist. So, the young teenager leaned forward and took the first step in his descent to the floor.


It was just about 11:30 PM when Nova, at last, walked through the squeaky door of her small home, dropping her purse onto the couch with a soft groan. She'd had a little luck, able to put an application into two different places but other than that the night felt pointless. 

"Kenny's most likely asleep with Louie in his room. Hopefully, the poor boy hasn't had any nightmares while I was away," she muttered to herself, a faint frown beginning to pull at her lips. She'd hate if he needed her and she wasn't here.

Then she paused, turning her gaze slowly to the TV across the room. It was on, at a very low volume setting. Some cartoons were playing despite it being late. Though it was dark, she could make out the shape of their new German Sheppard pup curled up at the end of the couch opposite where she'd dropped her purse. If Louie was out here, then surely Kenny was too.

"Kenneth?" She called softly, slowly walking forward through the room that was only illuminated by the TV.

His small form appeared, the young teen sitting up against the dog. He'd been curled up against the soft fur, trying to get some sleep. "I-I'm sorry that I-I'm up, I couldn't...I couldn't sleep." He muttered, his head hanging low as if he was afraid to even look at her. Afraid to get into trouble.

Nova felt her heart sink, a slight sadness creeping into her heart at the way he avoided her gaze. "Don't be sorry, it's fine. What's bugging you?" She asked gently, sitting herself down on the couch next to the puppy and her adopted son. 

"I don't even know," Kenny leaned back against Louie, curling up in the fur and sighing. "I want to feel safe here. I feel like I can, b-but something's holding me back and I don't know what it is."

This time, Nova brought her hands around and gathered the small boy up in both of them. One hand supported his back while he sat on the other. Bringing him close to her body, she cradled him, her thumb brushing strands of his dark brown hair off his face. "You have every right to be hesitant. Thos horrible people, they hurt you bad enough that your subconscious is most likely trying to keep you on your toes."

As much as he would have loved to say he wasn't a baby, the way she was holding him close felt too warm and comfortable to protest. His body was exhausted, his arms limply laying over his torso. "I guess you think my brain will ever let me relax?"

"In due time, I'm sure," Nova crooned, standing slowly from the couch while still keeping him in her arms. "Come. You can lay with me tonight. Will that help you feel better?"

Despite his best attempts to resist, his eyelids grew heavy. Her thumb brushing over his hair, the sound of her heartbeat pounding steadily behind him, the warmth her body provided. It was too much and he knew he'd be asleep any moment. "Mhm," he hummed, his lips parting into a nearly silent yawn.

"Get some sleep, dear boy," the titan of a woman murmured, walking cautiously as to not jostle him around. "We'll talk more in the morning."

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