2. Trojan Korps

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Alex POV:

It was the Sunday and Frank had called us into MI9 because he wanted to show us something.

"The last time I saw one of these KORPS insignias, I was working down here, in our old MI9 war room. We used to call this place the Bunker. At the height of the secret world war with KORPS, we had 150 agents working here, with over 200 similar bases in other countries. Even then it was a close-run thing." Frank tells us as we walk into the old MI9 bunker. Dan walks over to the wall and knocks on it


"Correct. This place is a fortress, right underneath MI9 HQ."

"Wow... Dinosaur alert!" Tom says, I look over to see what he was on about. It was a very, very old computer.

"How old is this stuff?" I look to frank hoping he will answer my question.

"Did a caveman sit here?" Tom questions jokingly.

"That was my desk." Frank says sound slightly offended.

"Ah, so a caveman did sit here" I teasing Frank even more. Frank ignores my remarks and walks over to the desk that had a bunch of junk on it.

"Ah, the circle mystery. A ton of old KORPS junk I collected, all marked the same way. Never did find out why. Probably just how they marked their trash." Zoe then sees something very interesting stuck on computer screen.

"This girl you're with looks a lot like Stella." Zoe says and she takes the picture to get a better look at it.

"Frank, was Stella your girlfriend?" Aneisha asks smiling at Frank knowingly.

"Focus, please!" Frank says obviously trying to change the subject and that is what Dan does.

"We get it. KORPS was a big deal. But come on, they're really just the old version of SKUL."

"And look what we did to SKUL. Bosh!" I laugh at Tom

"You're not getting it at all. Look..." franks walk over to the wall that is above the desk and turns in a light on the right corner. There is the SKUL symbol.

"This is SKUL. And this... This is KORPS." And with that he turns on all the lights that's shows all off the KORPS organisations. I noticed that all the line joined up looked like a body laying down.

"The voice we heard on the message on the laptop said they were back." Zoe said to Frank

"And I'm telling you it's not possible. I saw them destroyed." Frank fired back.

"They're never coming back." He said stubbornly.

"The Grand Master was the only enemy leader to escape in the final days of the war with KORPS." Franks says continuing with his story

"How do these two fit in?" Dan saying pointing to pictures of a shadowed figure and a woman with black hair.

"The bosses. That's the Master Mind and his deputy, the Crime Minister."  Frank said answering Dans question.

"The Master Mind? Like the voice we heard on the recording?" Aneisha says opening the idea of KORPS being back.

"It did sound like him, but no. It can't have been." Franks says again shutting the idea of them being back down.

"These two are both dead."

"Ah, well that puts a whole in our KORPS is back theory" I say to myself but Zoe still questions Frank.

"Why are you so sure they're dead?"

"Just trust me. I was there." Franks says. I think he is getting annoyed that we keep on doubting his word.

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