Chapter 28

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Yeesh, this book has really come a long way and I'm so happy. Thank you to those who've read and stuck around and a big thank you to Wattpad Christian Writers and Readers Club #WCWRC for helping this book reach where it is.

God bless you and please enjoy 🥰

Before Ivan could go after Queen, Sarah stopped him asking if it was okay for her to do it instead.

"Don't worry uncle Ivan, she'll be fine, I assure you," she smiled before moving towards the main building as well and towards the bathrooms where Queen was.

She knocked on the door softly, "Queen, you there? Are you alright? Please open the door," she said but was only answered by sniffles.

She thought for a while before clearing her throat in a funny manner, "oh QQ! Knock knock, knockidi, knock knock!" She shouted in exaggerated high pitched voice.

She heard a giggle, "Who's there?" Queen asked in a low voice.

"Not you!"

"Not you, who?"

"Not you crying for the first time in a long time for someone who is not worth it."

There was silence on Queen's side for a while before she spoke, "I don't think you understand, Sarah, it's not that easy."

Sarah sighed, "can I come in?" She asked and opened the door after Queen made a sound of agreement.
Once in, she closed the door and walked to the couch where Queen was and sat next to her.

"So can you please tell me why exactly you are crying? Because of that Will from your past? Is it even worth it?"

Queen wiped her tears before turning to Sarah. "You don't understand, honestly, it's not that I want to cry over him but I, I haven't forgotten what happened, I can't forget it and especially because it was my fault."

"But Queen, whether it was your fault or not doesn't matter, right now you're giving your past more priority than your future. First it began with your parents absence in your childhood and now you want to give away this happiness for a stupid boy?"

"You don't get it! Although you went through a lot, I did too, who knows, if you didn't show up on time that day, I would probably be a school dropout by now with a child and and," she began to choke on her words as tears rolled down her cheeks. "And it's all my fault."

"So what? So what if it's your fault, we all make mistakes, don't we? You see this is just what the devil does, he uses our past to trap us in guilt and what ifs. You have to tell him he's a liar and put him on his-"

"Sarah, not this again! What makes you so sure that it's the devil and not the truth? I mean think about it, I started attending all these teen parties and I started mourning my own life, literally, so it's my fault, mine!!" Queen burst out and sat back on the bed.

Sarah sighed and sat down as well, "okay, it was your fault but there's someone who already paid for it."

"Not this again, Sarah," she tried to stand up and leave but Sarah pulled her back. "Just listen, you have nothing to loose anyway, you have done all you could to be happy, but it always seems to end up in the dust, and yes it might be your fault, but if there's something I've learnt in the past month, it's that, my faults were taken care of by someone long before I was even born. If you think that those sins and faults still fall on you, your saying He died for nothing. Heaven's perfect lamb paid it all already and that so you can enjoy days like today and be at peace."

"But how do you know that I'll be happy with Him, I mean I tried so many things to be at peace and be happy, if they didn't work, how do you know He will?"

"You of all people know that I was drowning in sorrow, sadness and pain, but today I smile like I've never been hit with disappointment and pain, not because I'm strong, but because Jesus gives me strength. My dad was the cause of my mom's death, but today He smiles because he's found the most beautiful thing in his life. He's no longer searching for happiness on his own, his found happiness in God."

She smiled and started to sing, "my beloved is, the most beautiful among thousands, and thousands. My beloved is the most beautiful among thousands and thousands. Yeshua, ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah, Yeshua, ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah.
My beloved can be yours too if you let Him, so just let Him. Just let Him Queen, and just as He is beautiful, He'll make your life beautiful."


Sarah smiled, "now I've never done this before but repeat after me. Say Lord Jesus, I am tired of carrying this burden alone. I confess that I am a sinner but I want to be yours today. I confess that Jesus died on the cross for me and rose again so please come into my life today and make me yours, in Jesus name amen."

Queen repeated every word and at the end felt a calming down in her heart as though a raging storm had suddenly ended.

"So how do you feel?" Sarah asked her with a smile.

"Alive again, amazing."

"I know right!! Oh by the way, there's one gift you should probably open early," Sarah ran out of the bathroom to get the gift bag giving a thumbs up to the two fathers before going back.

"Here, this is from Henry," Queen was shocked but still opened it up. Inside was a pink Bible and notebook with a set of markers. There was also a card attached to it.

I know you don't really regard me as a friend so just take it as a gift from a well wisher. This might not be what you were expecting but as your well wisher, this is the best I could give to you because there's no better wish than for someone to meet Christ. I don't know if you have given your life, but give this a chance, I promise He's the best gift for you. And hoping you start a journey with Him, the note book and marker are for that. Jesus loves you and wants you. Happy birthday Queen
From your Nobody.🙂

She smiled as a tear dropped and she held the Bible in her hands, it was truly beautiful and she couldn't wait to use it.

"Awn, I wish somebody would give me that as a gift," Sarah huffed and folded her arms while Queen laughed and stuck her tongue out at her.

Romans 8:35 (KJV)  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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