Thirty-Four: Bits, the Zeus-offender

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It took about an hour, or so, before Hades was done with his tantrum. Now, he was just pouting in his chair, tapping a boot on the tiles. He glanced at Sen, who was sorting all of her valuables into their groups, color coded by the rainbow. Rafael was helping her out (RE: Rafael was chewing on some non-valuable rocks).

Sen, of course, knew why Hades had spared her. Persephone was good friends with Psyche. Back when Psyche was mortal, and the goddess of love put her through trials, one of her trials was to travel to the underworld and obtain some of the Queen's beauty. Persephone willingly gave her this, and after Psyche was made a goddess, they'd been friends ever since. Sen remembered a story her mother told her when she was little- that the two goddesses and Demeter often travel to farmer's markets in the summer to see how well they've done over the summer. After all, Demeter and Persephone helped plant the seeds, and Psyche's butterflies and bees and various other insects pollinated it all.

So, if Hades killed the daughter of Psyche, Psyche would be mad, and then Persephone would be mad, and Hades would not be very good after that.

"You look like your mother." Hades muttered.

"Which one?"

"Both of them. Neither of them. You're a weird specimen."

"So I've been told." Sen sighed as she held up a rock. "Is this carnelian?"


Sen plopped it in the carnelian pile. "So, you know both of my mothers?"

"More or less." Hades said. "I don't particularly enjoy associating with mortals or my upstairs brethren, but my wife does."

"Interesting..." Sen nodded. "What about my grandmother?"

"Not a fan."

"Are you a fan of anyone?"

"My wife."

Sen nodded. "Do you mind if I go play with Cerberus?"

Hades sighed. "I suppose."

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"You. Give me that."

"Wha-" Hades ripped a football out of some dead dude's hands as Sen and Rafael walked in front of Cerberus. There was a brief introductory period and then they started to play a funny game of tag- Rafael goes nuts and one of Cerberus's heads has to catch him.

A few feet away, Sen and Hades just tossed the ball back and forth, and Sen realized that Hades really isn't a bad guy. Sure, he tried to kill them. Sure, he blamed Percy for stealing the master bolt. But Hades also let Sen collect some cool rocks and he was letting her dog live. Plus, now they were playing ball (Hades had a shockingly good spiral) and Sen realized:

Hades was really just an emo uncle.

"Can I ask you a question?" Sen asked as she caught the ball and threw it back.

"Ugh. What?"

"My mother... she's still alive, right?"

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