Chaper 1 - Sword of Selection

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It had taken them a while to travel to Britain. Luckily, they didn't come across any problems on the way. A clearing next to a forest was the place where the new king would be selected.

Terran's golden eyes stared across the clearing where many people were gathered. Such an event brought crowds from all over the country. Many wanted to know who the new king would be. And the method of finding out? A sword in a stone. A mage named Merlin, who Valentine had identified as a succubus, had apparently set the challenge. The one who could pull the sword from the stone would be the rightful king of Britain.

For now, the three companions stood towards the edge of the clearing. They wanted to observe what was going on.

Valentine, who now hid his Raven eye behind an eyepatch, was skeptical of the whole thing. Valentine was a mage of great potential. His magical ability and knowledge were incredible for his age. He gave credit to his hidden eye, which was something magical and mysterious on its own.

Halsted agreed with him. Claiming that Merlin seemed like she could be the type to rig the event.

Terran trusted both of them. It was why they were keeping their distance as they watched all the men attempt to pull the sword. For now, they would observe from here.

"Despite my initial thoughts, seeing something like this is incredible." Valentine stated, "A king of all Britain. Ravenhill seems so small compared to that."

"It isn't as if Ravenhill was meant to seat conquerors." Halsted said, "The previous kings have been good rulers through all their history. They've always led their people with good intentions."

"I wasn't judging. I was just comparing." Valentine slightly lifted his eyepatch up to look around with his dark eye before lowering it again, "Ravenhill is our home. I'm sure that one day we'll return."

Terran remained quiet. His mind wondered back to Ravenhill as well. He wanted to leave it, but it would always be home. He didn't intend to stay away forever.

"Ravenhill is one of the greatest castles ever built. There was no need for conquest. " Terran claimed, "Even under siege, it could repel any and all attacks."

Ravenhill was built with magic, and its great gray walls were blessed by fairies.

"It will be waiting for us when we return." The young prince finished saying.

"That's true." Valentine peered at him with his bright blue eye, "They'll probably host a party for you. The return of the third prince would surely be celebrated for at least a whole day."

Halsted seemed uninterested in such a thing. Social events weren't really his strong suit. Especially with his draconic features. The vertical slits that were his pupils and the strangly beautiful scales that decorated his face would sometimes cause people to look at him oddly.

"Well, party or not, we'll be welcomed with open arms." Valentine took a drink of his water.

That much was true. Terran was the youngest of the royal children. He still remembered the worried look in his mother's eyes when he said goodbye to her.

The red-haired prince watched as a young blond man stomped away from the sword of selection. Many of the other knights followed him after he seemingly suggested something more interesting to them.

The sun was going down. The whole day, no one was able to pull the sword. It was a disappointment, but what could the young prince do about it.

"Should we try our hand?" Valentine asks, "Maybe you should do it, Terran. You are a prince."

"I have no intention of ruling over a kingdom." Terran said, "I'm a third son. I wasn't born to rule."

"Look there." Halsted pointed towards the stone.

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