Chapter 16

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Looking out the window of the plane, the endless horizon of clouds filling my head with distractions

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Looking out the window of the plane, the endless horizon of clouds filling my head with distractions. Was I really about to fake date-no-fake be engaged to Léon? I know in my head that it doesn't mean anything, but my heart was fluttering just thinking about it. My stomach was full of those stupid nervous but happy butterflies.

I glance over at him working hard typing away at his laptop. He always seemed to have this graceful peacefulness about him. Even his deep and heavy voice was so soothing. And there was something about him. His energy. The invisible weight that his shoulders held. The strength he resonates. I couldn't explain it. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was drawn to him. 

He looks up and makes eye contact with me. His smirk tells me he caught me staring. But thankfully, he decides not to comment.

"You look a bit nervous, want to talk about it?" he asks.

"I think I'm more worried about my acting skills than the actual conference." I laugh

"don't worry, you'll be fine, just act as you normally would if you were engaged to a handsome devil such as myself" he adds with a wink, "You know the normal couple stuff, holding hands-"

"I can do that." I agree

"dancing together at the ball, kissing in the garden-" 

"Woah, woah there Romeo, I am not kissing you! Ew!"

"I was joking, but no need to be disgusted!" he feints being hurt.

"Okay, so some rules to be set. Holding hands because if we didn't we would be exposed immediately.  And obviously we will have to dance a couple of times. No touching weirdly and no kissing."

"Way to make it sound like a chore, you know, many girls would die to be my wife?" he points out. 

"Sure they would. Is that what helps you sleep at night?" I replied

"Shut up, we both know your just teasing me and that I pull."

"Fine. I'll admit it."

He smirked and went back to his laptop.


The music had slowed down to an idle tempo. 

Couples began to pair up and I ended up in his arms.

Almost as if It was a race against time, we began to sway. He held on tight. As if I was his lifeline. 

What had started as a sway had turned into a waltz. 

There was a sense of danger in the air, but a sense of safety in his arms.

As the orchestra grew more intense, so did the world around us.

The spins became faster and faster. But I was never out of his touch for long. 

Something was brewing, an unsolvable plot thickening. 

All the while a romance was growing and hearts aligned and grew closer. 

The steps gained speed. 

As we locked eyes the realm around me faded.

His brown eyes locked with my green ones.

Warm chocolaty caramel met a cold dewy forest.

Everywhere his body touched mine butterflies flared.

When the world descended into chaos, there was a clarity in his eyes.

I couldn't let go, even as the music silenced.

I wouldn't let go.


Waking up from my dream suddenly, to see Léon staring right at me.

"Was I making noise or something?" I wonder


"Were you just watching me sleep than?"

"I'm honestly not sure how you want me to answer that."

I just stare at him with utter confusion and disbelief. All the while trying to get the fact that it was him in my dream out of my head.

"Anyways, lets figure out our game plan" he begins "We need a background story we both can remember in case anyone asks any questions."

"Right, I had been thinking something like; our parents had set us up, we were both skeptical and didn't want to give it a chance, but it turned out the be true love."

"It's so boring it might work." He jokes.

"I figured its realistic enough to believe, yet has enough romance to find intriguing." I laugh. "And you'll be introducing our ideas to the table the first day, that way it can sit and brew into there heads?" I comment as more of an order instead of question.

"Yes, and you have all our notes and diagrams finished?"

"Yes." I reply

"So we are actually doing this?" He asks

"Yes, I guess we are."

I was nervous. But I had my dads blessing. And I had Léon. I wasn't 100% where these next few days would lead. I am ready to make a difference. I am taking my life into my own hands. Some old guys telling me rules wouldn't stop me. Petty boy issues did not take precedence right now. I didn't know what Léon and I were, but honesty it didn't matter. We had a silent agreement that we could lean on each other whenever and for whatever. I'm sure there will be some rough moments in these few coming days, but I had a new sense of confidence. I wondered why. 

Maybe I should be asking myself "because of who?"

𝒫𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒯𝑜𝓊𝒿𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈 ( forever )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin