Principal From Another Planet Pt. 2

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Oh my freaking gosh. Aliens are real! ALIENS ARE FREAKING REAL! Who would've guessed that? Well, certainly not Jaden Parker, who is honestly not surprised by this strange occurrence. I mean, he did say that bad things happen during a lunar eclipse and his big, scary and weird principal being infected by an alien and squirting green alien goo out of her mouth as she speaks an unknown language (most probably an alien language) in a deep, demonic voice whilst him and his friends are hiding behind the Davenport couch looking in shock at this horrendous sight, does count as a bad thing.

I mean, what did he expect? Everytime he hangs out with the Davenport family and Leo Dooley, something weird and strange usually happens, so he shouldn't be surprised that something weird happened at his best friend's sleepover. But he did not expect a visit from an extraterrestrial being.
I guess you never know what to expect when you're hanging out with the Davenports.

"Got a scientific explanation for that?" Leo rhetorically asks his stepfather, who he is clinging onto as they watch Alien Principal Perry walk towards the kitchen next to their living room.

"Well, it is cold and flu season." Donald says. "Really dude?" Jaden looks at the billionaire inventor in denial at the fact that there is an alien in his house.

Said alien then stops walking and stands in front of Donald and Leo, opens her mouth and a long, grey tongue covered in green alien goo comes out of her mouth and licks Donald's face as everyone looks and screams  in horror. The loudest scream obviously being Leo's.

"Still think it's a cold?" Bree exclaims rhetorically.
"No, I'm on board she's an alien." Donald finally accepts the fact and hides behind Leo.
"My spawn will wipe out humankind!" the alien's voice thundered. Then suddenly, Principal Perry starts shaking.

"Hey, why is everybody staring at me?" Principal Perry asks in her normal voice.
Everyone looks in surprise.
"You have a little schmutz on your... Everywhere." Leo responds. Principal Perry checks on her body for the said schmutz.

"Okay, obviously, Principal Perry has been taken over by an alien. She doesn't realize that it's wrestling for control of her body." Chase says from his observation of what just happened which actually made a lot of sense and cleared some of the confusion that the others had.

" Wow, the aliens want her? Man, how bad are things on that planet? " Adam asks.

" I'm starvin'. Feels like i'm eating for six." Principal Perry announces as she heads into the kitchen.

"She's eating for six. She's gonna have alien babies." Donald's says jumpily.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Jaden comments.

Alien/Principal Perry heads towards the fridge as Chase calls for a "family meeting". The humans and bionic superhuman head to the other side of the living room spanning a further distance away from the alien in the kitchen.

"This is bad. This is really, really bad. What do we do?!" Donald panics in a manic way.
"Well, I guess we can check panicking off the list." Leo exclaims.
"Okay! Alright, we need to subdue Perry until we can find a way to get the alien out." Chase shouts out loud.

Jaden slaps his arm and looks at Chase. "Stop shouting. The alien is right there and can hear you smart guy. Everyone should just calm down and figure out a way to handle our principal who's squirting alien goo out of her ears. Now, how do we do that?"

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