7: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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🎵 The music for this chapter really elevates the story. :)

As the shock settles in, Salem realizes the implications of this newfound romantic connection. After all, there's always a duo in a trio. Her eyes start getting watery.

"Hey guys, I've been here too long. I've got to go home before my mother finds out I've snuck out. Goodbye," She quickly picks up her bag and gets up from the table.

"Good—" Rory begins to respond, but Salem is already gone.

Taking refuge behind the bakery's brick wall, Salem sits on the uncomfortable concrete, hugging her knees to her chest. Tears stream down her cheeks, a rare occurrence for her. She cries and cries, yet no one notices or comes over to ask if she's okay.


☆━━━━━ Salem's Witch ━━━━━━☆

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☆━━━━━ Salem's Witch ━━━━━━☆

"Why does Rory need someone else when she has me? Am I alone not good enough for her?" Salem cries out in her head, completely devastated.

After crying so much her eyes became dry, Salem finds herself getting up, compelled to follow her friends into the forest. She does not understand why her feet seem to be moving without her say, but she is in no mood to question anything. After all this time of being accepted, she feels betrayed. All she ever wanted were people who would stay by her side no matter what. Things just never go her way.

Since she has been around Rory for nearly two years now, she's aware of her patterns. Salem has a solid idea of which direction the two girls went. She doesn't know what she wants to do or if she even wants to do when she catches up with them, but to hell with reason.

This loneliness that has boiled up her chest hurts so much to the point where it feels like it is physical pain. Rory promised that they would all be best friends forever, but the older they get, the more left behind she feels. Salem is always chosen last.

All of a sudden, she faintly hears the sound of a guard dog barking. Salem realizes they must be close ahead.

Typical Rory, never thinking of how other people feel. Poor Abby must be terrified. But nooo, Rory's ideas always come before people's safety.

Because she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, Salem's arm gets cut by a thorn. The blood drips over her clothing, staining it. She sighs. She tries to stop the bleeding by rubbing it onto her dress.

Salem isn't too bothered with it, as she finally starts hearing Rory and Abby's voices. Behind the trees, she sees the two girls eating a picnic together without her. She can't quite make out what they are talking about, but regardless it doesn't matter to her.

The loneliness continues to sting, the metaphorical thorn piercing into her heart.

However, what stings even more is the blast of light burning Salem's eyes. Salem is confused, and even more so in denial of the scene playing in front of her. Her body tenses up, holding on to every movement.

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