11: Devil On My Shoulder

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🎵 Music reminder! (I would recommend turning it on after the italics for best listening.)

Aurora's POV

Each time eleven year old Aurora runs, she feels thorns scratch up all along her legs. Her heart beats and beats, and her breaths are heavy. The overbearing silence of the woods is haunting. Rory does not know where she is running, just that she needs to go as far away as possible. The monsters from her home village scare her more than the ones vying for her life in the forest.

The silence is interrupted by high pitched crying. The noise is so irritating Aurora has to put her fingers in her ears to muffle to noise. She whips her head around, searching the area for the predator. From far away hiding in between the tall trees, she sees the silhouette of a weeping young girl. Her fingers are right below her closed eyes. Black ink falls out from her eyes, staining her ripped dress. After staring at the girl for a couple seconds, she disappears into thin air.

Rory's eyes dart back and forth, waiting for the monster to return. She decides to start running again, hoping to find some sort of relief farther into the forest. However, again, she hears the young girl crying out. This time is a little different, though. The girl is much closer to Rory than before, and Rory can make out sounds from her mouth.

"Rory... Rory..."

The trail is filled with rocks and sticks. She trips over top of one of the roots and skins her knee. Sitting down, she turns around with a large stick to try to fight off the monster. It once again disappears and reappears, closer to Rory's frail body.

"Rory... why did you leave me?"

The voice reminds her too much of someone. Rory gets back up again and runs faster than before. The adrenaline kicks in like never before, and up ahead she sees potential freedom. On the hill guarded by trees is what appears to be an abandoned cottage. Rory lets out a sigh of relief. Until again, the monster appears right in front of her- with open eyes.

It transforms into a single eye with teeth similar to a fish from the deep dark ocean. It has tentacles, four on each side, floating and ready to grab her at any second. The iris is a deep red color. Rory thinks she's completely done for, until she finally hits it.

A force field!

Rory figures that the cottage must belong to a witch, though probably deceased. The monster is unable to get her inside of this area. Rory falls to the ground and lies on her back like a starfish. She's safe, finally. And now she has a new home in a whole new world.

She wonders what will become of her...

She wonders what will become of her

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☆━━━━━ Salem's Witch ━━━━━━☆

Aurora sighs, looking outside of her cottage window over top of her crops. She hits her hand onto her forehead and groans.

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