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''What do you think of that girl in the blue skirt?'' i say to Sarah as we were scanning the crowd of young people in Topper his house. Loud rap music was coming from the boxes and people are dancing together. 

''Good one Tanny. Let's go'' she grabs my hand and pulls me trough the swarm of drunk dancing teenagers. 

''Hey, nice skirt. Where is it from?'' Sarah shouts over the loud music to the girl. ''Thanks, Zara of course!'' the girl says back. I'll let Sarah handle this part of picking up girls for the boys. When they talked for a couple of minutes we decide to go to the boys to introduce her to Kelce. 

Sarah was wearing a cute dress that fitted her body, it was white with some kind of pattern. I myself was wearing also a dress, on Sarahs command. I was oke with it though, it was a dark grey t-shirt dress with a little rock influence piece on the back. I don't know where she got it from but i didn't really care. Sarah was happy with me wearing it. 

''Hey boys, this is Amanda.'' Sarah throws it in the group. ''Isn't she nice Kelce?'' i whispered in his ear when i walked over to a seat in the area the group was sitting. ''Hey Amanda, i'm Kelce. Can i get you a drink?'' Together they walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink. Sarah and i laughed to each other. Our mission was complete, Kelce had to handle it himself now. 

''I see you are wearing the dress Sarah bought a couple of days ago when i was shopping with her for midsummers.'' Topper says as he let himself fall into the couch Sarah was already on. He puts his arm around her shoulders. ''Oh, yeah. Thanks Sarah.'' - ''I want to go dress shopping with you for midsummers soon!'' She almost cuts me off. ''I think i'm not invited to those kind of party's..'' Her eyes look a little bit confused. ''Then i invite you, i want you there. Otherwise it's so boring.'' Topper now looks confused at her. ''Why would it be boring? I am there..'' i roll my eyes at there conversation. When i look away i see Rafe coming towards us. He held two drinks. 

 ''I got you your favorite, Tanny'' he gives me a red cup with some kind of liquor in it. ''What is it?'' i ask him, because i don't really have a favorite drink. ''Some mix drink with ice tea'' we cheer our cups together and take a big gulp. But i almost spit it out right after. ''Yikes that is strong. Planning on getting me shit faced?'' i laugh at him as he laughs at me too. 

''Maybe..'' a moment of silence is between us before he speaks again. ''You look good, a dress for once'' this time his eyes stay on mine when he says this, not eyeing my body. I was glad he just looked at my eyes, i was feeling less uncomfortable this way. ''Thanks..'' i say softly taking another sip of the awful drink he gave me. 

Time flies by when your having fun, they say. We played a few drinking games and just talked with each other, getting more drunk each minute. I feel the alcohol in my body heating me up. But because i was drunk i really didn't care. 

Sarah and i looked at each other when we saw Kelce kissing the girl he just met on the dancefloor. We smirked. She winked at me to go also on the dancefloor when a fun song started playing. ''No Sarah..'' i whined. She grabbed my hand and pulls me out form the couch. ''Come on Tanny, you wanted to have fun remember'' i know she was right but i didn't feel like dancing though. But Sarah always wins in some kind of way and that why i like her. She brings out the best. And so i find myself dancing with her and some other girls from school. We danced silly most of the time, also because i can't dance. Sarah bends down to take her heels of, i could never. That's why i just wear vans als the damn time. Just the simple basic black and white ones. They match every outfit and i never get bored of them. I bought them like five times already.

''Can i have this dance?'' i feel a hand placed itself on my back, blue eyes looking at me from my left side. I don't reply, he takes me in his hands an swings us around a little bit. ''Rafe, why are we dancing?'' i giggle. Too drunk to say no and get myself off of him. ''Because..'' He stays silent. His hands go from my back to my waist. His long fingers and big hands wrapping them self around me, messed with me. His touch making me feel good. 

''I saw you dancing on your own, i thought you needed someone to dance with'' he says nicely, close to my face in my ear. This was his kind side. Asking things nicely, being an womanizer, being gentle. ''I was dancing with Sarah'' i say when i looked over my shoulder. She glared at me, her eyes asking me if i was oke with Rafe this way. I send her a smiling nod. 

''Not like this'' He puts my arms around his neck, pulling us closer. ''I can't dance'' i blurt out. He laughs at me. ''You think i can dance?'' his eyebrows rising when asking me this. I shrug. ''I thought so'' His eyes squint at my comment. Before i knew he was giving me big swing, hanging me to the ground over his arm. His face was dangerously close to mine. When he puts me back om my feet i feel a little dizzy from how fast he was moving me. I put my hand on my forehead. ''Are you good?'' - ''A little dizzy'' i giggle. ''You want anything? A water maybe?'' His hand finds mine and he pulls me out of the crowd. I look back to Sarah, this time asking her for help with my eyes. I didn't know what Rafe could do when he was drunk, but from stories i hear he can be a hand full. 

He drags me all the way to the upstairs bathroom. oh no...

When he closes the door he looks in the cabinets. ''Ah..'' He gets the cup and fills it with water. ''Here'' Just when i was about to take a sip, someone bangs on the door. ''Tanny?!'' I t was Sarah, you could hear her concern. ''In here, it's open'' - ''Oh..'' she slowly opens the door. When she sees Rafe, steam is getting out of her ears. ''Why are you in here with her? Don't you have to suck some girls face?'' - ''Be calm sis'' Rafe rolled his eyes at her outburst. ''I was just offering her water because she was feeling dizzy. But i guess i can't do anything right for your sake'' He pushes her to the side storming off. 

Later that night is was finding myself in Sarah room. It was in the middle of the night and we were making our self ready for bed. The part ended soon after the bathroom scene. 

I stepped next to Sarah in her big bed. We always sleep in the same bed after parties, except when Topper was staying of course. 

''Hey Tanny, i have a question'' - ''shoot me'' i turned around to face her. 

''What where you doing in the bathroom with him?'' She looks at me concerned. ''He was indeed offering me a glass of water because i was getting dizzy from dancing'' i shrugged. ''Did he pushed you to do anything?'' - ''No, what are you talking about?'' i frown my eyebrows. ''I saw you dancing, it looked nice. But when you were walking away i was scared he would do something you did not want to do'' - ''Sarah, i just gave you that look because i don't know what Rafe is capable of. He had good intentions after all. I didn't wanna scare you though'' i admit to her. ''It's fine. I just know what he can do to people if he really want is and i don't want that to happend to you.'' we stayed silenced for a while and i thought she had fallen asleep. But then she asked another question that i had no answer to. 

''What was al that dancing about though?'' She sees my cheeks getting pink and we both laugh out loud. 

''If you are going on that path with my brother, you have tho know he has a dark side. I hope you can have controle over him. I will be there for you no matter what happens between you two.'' 

''Wow Sarah, we just danced girl. You know how it think about him. There is no Rafe and i'' - ''Just yet...'' 

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