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''Where is this party exactly?'' I ask Sarah after she picked me up at my house. We where walking to a party. ''Just at the boneyard'' It was a warm night, i had my sweater with me but i don't think i'll be needing it. I was wearing a black denim short with my Vans, on top a cropped wide t-shirt with a bandlogo. My hair was half in a knot right on top of my head. 

''So if i get shit faced tonight i can crawl back home, nice'' we laughed. 

Entering the party we walk to our kook group. Topper, Kelce and Rafe where already waiting for us. ''Hello boys'' i greet them with a small hug. I do the same with Rafe, but he presses a little kiss on my cheek. It went so fast i don't think anyone noticed. It made me chuckle and blush. When i look up he winks at me before getting back to his conversation with Kelce. Topper already busy with sucking Sarah's face. I saw the boy already have drinks. 

''Sarah you want a drink?'' i ask anyway. She loosens herself from Topper and walk with me to where you can grab a drink. ''Is Topper a good kisser?'' Sarah almost spits out her beer. ''Just kidding, i'm just teasing you'' i laugh at her. We walk back to the boys, but behind them i can see the pogue group approaching the party. ''Actually, he is fine'' she answers me. ''So not great?'' - ''Meh''

The music was getting louder shortly after we arrived back to the boys. ''Dance?'' Sarah ask me before pulling me at my wrist to the group of people on the sand dancing. 

''Did you and Topper do it already?'' i was really curious because of her on and off relationship with him. ''Tanny!'' she scoffs. ''But no. I want to do it when i feel like it'' she explains. ''That's good Sarah, don't rush because he want to'' i say, sipping at my cup. 

''I know, and i won't. He is really sweet, not a pusher'' we dance a little on the beat of the music and sipping on our drinks. 

''Did you and Rafe do it yet?'' now it's her time to tease. ''Oh god no. We only kissed once. And just like you, i wan't to wait until i'm ready. But the relationship thingy i have with Rafe, i actually don't know what we have. But we did not talk about these kind of things yet'' she nods at me. ''Do you want to?'' - ''Want to do what? Talk about it with him? I don't know, maybe he thi-'' Sarah cuts me off. 

''No dumbass, if you want to do, it, with him?'' she laughs at me before punching my shoulder. ''Oh...'' i blush and laugh at her. ''Well, maybe?'' - ''Aaah, Tanny!'' i put my hand over my face. ''I know he is your brother but i think he is majorly hot Sarah'' i admit to her. 

The rest of the evening we dance and drink some more, but were not getting shit faced. At one point the music turned from pop dance to a little more alternative and rock. But still fun to dance. Most of the people where gone home already, the pogue group and kook group where still here and some tourists. 

I know JJ also likes this kind of music so i was dancing with him. Not anything special, just standing opposite of each other and sipping our drinks. Then one of my favorite songs comes on. It was Pierce the veil, with match into the water. Nobody really likes this music so i was curious who put the song on. I was looking around me, a little blush on my face. 

''Did you put it on?'' i asked JJ. ''No, not me Tan'' He also looks confused. We both know we where the only ones liking this kind of music. 

In the mean time i was really enjoying the song. I loves these breakdowns so much. I was singing the lyrics and still looking around when he caught my eye. ''You sure you didn't put it on JJ?'' i asked, still looking Rafe in his eyes. ''Tanny, i wasn't me, really'' He held up his hands in innocence. When the specific frase comes on, my light bulb shines. It was Rafe who put it on.

She's mine, you stay away from her it's not her time. 

Rafe winked at me, i was sure it was him. 

Those eyes || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now