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When I woke up from what must have been the best nap of my entire life, I realized I was no longer in the room where I was napping

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When I woke up from what must have been the best nap of my entire life, I realized I was no longer in the room where I was napping. I was lying on a changing table and Nanny Doth was changing my diaper that I had soiled before I went to bed.

This time I found it much less weird to have my diaper changed and I relaxed as Nanny Doth changed me, only Osin was no longer in my arms, but I instantly realized he was next to me, so I hugged him again.

A while passed and I realized that Nanny Doth wasn't actually changing my diaper, she was just taking off all my clothes because I had probably overfilled my diaper and needed a bath.

Then, for the first time I heard Nanny Doth's voice telling me:

Nanny Doth: Don't worry Andy, in a moment Nanny Nicole will give you a bath.

Her voice was sweet and soothing, but I was not at all reassured by what she told me, because according to David Nanny Nicole was an expert in punishment, and I in no way wanted to be her victim.

While I was thinking about this, Nanny Nicole came into the room. She said to Nanny Doth:

Nanny Nicole: You can go now, I'll take care of him.

Nanny Doth obeyed these words and left. Nanny Nicole stared at me for a moment, while I was naked on the diaper changing table.

Nanny Nicole had a cold, calculating look on her face, and a wicked, tight-lipped smile, surely as she thought about what kind of things she could do to me.

I'm not sure, but in an instant I thought I heard her mutter, "Fresh meat." I was afraid, I didn't feel at ease with Nanny Nicole, and even less so after learning that she liked to punish children.

I decided to put myself on guard so I wouldn't make a mistake that could justify a punishment for me. Then, Nanny Nicole came over to me and grabbed me by the armpits lifting me in the air and told me how to talk to a baby:

Nanny Nicole: Baby Andy is a little piggy, he needs to be bathed because he has overfilled his diaper and got very dirty.

That calmed me down a bit, she didn't seem so sadistic after all, but she was still careful.

She lowered me to the floor so I could walk and held my hand. I remembered that Osin was still on the changing table, so just in case I asked Nanny Nicole in the most childish tone I could improvise:

Andy: What about my teddy bear?

She looked at me tenderly as if rewarding me for saying that and said softly:

Nanny Nicole: We'll give you a bath and then you can hug him again.

Then we got ready to leave.

There was a door where she had entered, I thought it led to where Nanny Nicole would bathe me. I was very wrong.

When we went through the door I realized that it led to the garden, and Nanny Nicole was holding my hand naked on purpose so that everyone could see me. As expected, all the children were already playing in the garden and could see me like this, even still a little dirty from the way I had filled my diaper.

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