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Where to begin...

My first intention of writing this journal- diary? Journal... Journal sounds better. My first intention of writing this journal was to log my experiments, and likewise other interests.

I shall start off by explaining some brief history, ancient history perhaps.

Entry One

It has taken a hundred years to create this world, the air is still forming. It's thin, but breathable. Waking up slowly, I sat up and checked my surroundings, I was in a cave. A cave containing pieces of my realm. I stared at the remaining fragments of my realm for some time, piecing together what had happened. It would seem the creation went...ever so slightly wrong. I suppose that was bound to happen with me helping.

"What is going on here?" I began talking to myself, trying to make sense of what was happening. I checked my hands, and the sapling is still there. Once I find a decent location, I shall plant it.

After some time, I stood from the floor and walked over to the fragments of my realm, hoping to put it back together. I would put it back where it belongs, and of course resurrect my loyal subjects.


Walking into an invisible wall, I stood back for a moment, "This isn't right. Why can I not get in?"

"Get out of my way!" I commanded, throwing a blast of my mana at the wall. The wall absorbed it, and I spent about a week trying different methods to get it to open. Grimacing, I turned my back on the wall, this will have to be a problem for later. As I went to find a way out of the cave, I spotted a black skull on the floor, it had belonged to one of my subjects.

"My sincerest apologies, but I will not be able to save you. I shall bring you with me." I picked up the skull, and a whisper emitted from the skull, merely sounding like a faint wind.

Exiting the cave, I instantly hid it with magic, to make sure no one could tamper with my realm. Taking in the surroundings, I saw lush green hills and forests, and the deep blue ocean and sandy beaches. It was a nice view; I believe we did quite well in creating this world.

Using my magic, I flew up into the sky to get an aerial view. Spanning for miles was a giant mountain scape behind me, and below were twisting rivers, winding and bending all over. It was a truly chaotic landscape, with a subtle hint of natural Order.

"Very pleasing." I thought to myself.

Suddenly a familiar voice would appear, "I think we made a good choice switching over!"

My twin sister of sorts, Xerena.

"Yes, perhaps. Though it was rather last minute, was it not?" I replied.

Xerena appeared to be sitting as she floated in the sky, "I suppose so, but given how none of us have access to our creation powers, it's not like any fighting can happen now, we can just relax."

Xerena spoke the truth, there was entirely no reason for those of us with such power to be fighting and yet, it would likely happen now and then. After all, it's not like we had much real reason beforehand aside from dominance. Although, I did agree to behave before we created this world, so I suppose I shall stick to my word for once.


After much time, I have made my way to the Kingdom of Vandor. It is... much smaller than I thought. It is more of a fort than a Kingdom. It holds a rather modest Keep and a small-town stead beneath it. They have thankfully been tending the land very well, quite surprising I must admit, I did not expect humans to be good at agriculture and yet they are. I believe I will put the Sapling I have been carrying all this time nearby in a small forest. It is safer there than with me, that is for sure.

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