Chapter 14

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The following day as the sun was at its highest, Athelia was next to the stables on the grounds of the vampire estate, throwing daggers at targets made of hay. As a dagger flew past the target and bounced off the stone wall behind it, it landed on the floor next to a handful of others. Getting frustrated, Athelia huffed and picked up another dagger from the table next to her.

"Looks like you could do with some help." A voice spoke from behind her, and Drake walked up next to her and picked up a dagger from the table.

"I suppose you're an expert at this?" Athelia teased, stepping back to see what Drake would do.

"Well, I have only had a few hundred years to practise." Drake grinned, then took a second to prepare to throw at the target. Launching the dagger forward, it shot through the air before landing perfectly in the bullseye painted on the bale of hay.

"I can see the few hundred years taught you well." Athelia commented, impressed with the aim.

Drake went to retrieve the knife before standing in front of the target to throw again, "Watch."

"Step forward, grip the dagger like this, and then let go when your arm is pointing straight to where you want it to go." Drake explained, before throwing the knife perfectly at the target again.

After retrieving his dagger, he gestured to the target, "You have a go."

Feeling nervous with someone watching, Athelia took a deep breath before facing the target. Remembering what Drake said, Athelia gripped the dagger, raised her arm past her head and flung the dagger forward as her arm was straight with the target. As the dagger landed in the target to the side of the bullseye, Athelia gasped with excitement.

"Well done!" Drake praised before laughing, "A few hundred more years and you'll perfect it."

Knowing Drake was joking, Athelia grinned, "Thank you."

"I actually came over here to tell you I arranged for us to go travelling for a year, as promised." Drake admitted, grinning as he saw Athelia's eyes spark with excitement.

"When?" Athelia asked, mostly surprised Drake had stuck to his promise.

"In a couple of weeks." Drake answered before looking at the targets, "I will tell you all about it later."

As he threw his dagger at the bullseye again, Drake spoke, "I notice you spend a lot of time with Lord Odelius, why?"

Athelia thought for a moment before replying, "He's like a mentor, he has helped me learn how to use magic quite a bit."

Drake nodded, "I've never been sure what to think of him, but you seem to trust him."


As the sun set and the last light of the day shone from the horizon, Athelia stood in the cemetery waiting for Odelius. Wearing a black suit, Athelia stayed hidden in the shadows with her dagger sheathed into her belt. Knowing she was now one of the creatures of the dark that children were warned about, Athelia was surprised with how the cemetery still felt eerie at night and sent a shiver down her spine.

"They should be here any minute." Odelius spoke, appearing next to Athelia with his staff in his hand.

"What is the plan?" Athelia asked quietly.

"Stay hidden until I tell you to come out." Odelius answered briefly.

Hearing footsteps approach the gate of the cemetery, Athelia stepped further behind the tree while Odelius walked into the open to face Leon. Peeking round the tree, Athelia watched as six strange men surrounded Odelius. Grinning, Leon stepped forward, and leant on his sword as he spoke to Odelius.

"I knew you weren't the brightest, but facing me and my men alone?" Leon taunted, "Oh well, the city will be better off without you anyway."

As Leon gestured to one of the men, they lunged at Odelius with their sword, but Odelius dodged and hit the man with his staff from behind causing them to fall to the floor. Stepping behind the man who was lying on the floor, Odelius took out his sword with his other hand and stabbed them in the back of the head to finish them off.

"I see you have me outnumbered, but I have a secret weapon to solve that problem." Odelius used magic to clean the blood from his sword and flicked it towards Athelia.

Smelling the blood, Athelia felt her eyes start burning red and claws formed where her nails were. Feeling the rising hunger, Athelia dug her claws into the tree and forced herself to focus as she stepped into the open. Hiding her hands behind her back, Athelia waited to attack.

"Lady Athelia?" Leon laughed, "If this is all you have, then taking the city will be easier than I thought."

"Oh, I wouldn't count on that." Odelius grinned, "Take them out, Athelia."

Grinning to show her fangs, Athelia heard the man behind her lunge forward with their sword. Dodging out the way, Athelia slipped behind them and leapt onto their back. Grabbing their head as they tried to shake her off, Athelia cracked their neck to the side, and they fell to the floor. Having watched this, the other four men charged at her while Leon began attacking Odelius.

Throwing a bolt of mana at one of the men, Athelia watched as it hit them, and they turned to ash. Grabbing the dagger on her belt, Athelia gripped it ready before launching it at the next closest person. As the dagger landed in their chest, the man fell backwards to the floor and Athelia quickly smelt the pool of blood forming around them.

As the last two men stepped closer to her, Athelia summoned a thick cloud of fog around the three of them. Swiftly moving round the first man, Athelia kicked the back of their leg with enough force to break it, and they fell to the floor screaming. Grabbing their neck, Athelia dug in her claws and ripped out their throat. Hearing the second person charging at her, Athelia leapt to the side to dodge their attack. Jumping on their back, Athelia went to break their neck, but suddenly felt a burning pain in her side.

As Athelia shrieked and fell to the floor, the fog disappeared. Standing up, Athelia looked to her side and saw a gash dripping with blood. Looking to her opponent, Athelia watched as he grinned at seeing her injured. Feeling the wound mould back together, Athelia grinned back. As the man charged at her again, Athelia shot a bolt of mana at him, and it hit him in the chest before turning him to ash.

Taking her fill from the ones she had killed, Athelia then watched as Odelius fought with Leon. As their swords clashed in the air, Odelius kicked Leon back. Leon went to swing again but stopped as he noticed his men were dead. Lowering his sword, Leon glared at Athelia before throwing his sword to the floor in front of Odelius.

"Wise choice." Odelius growled, before shooting a bolt of mana at Leons head. As Leon fell to the ground, Odelius shot another bolt at Leon before throwing him over his shoulder.

"I have just removed his memories." Odelius explained, gesturing for Athelia to follow, "He will be sent away now and taught in exile."


Standing on the deck of a boat, Athelia watched as the walls of Vandor faded from view. It had been two weeks since they had returned Leon to the King, and Odelius had been right. As soon as Leon was back into custody and his memory loss was made clear, King Aurion sent Leon away to a secure location to be re-educated.

Hearing Wisp purring at her legs, Athelia looked down and smiled.

"We will be back in a year." Athelia picked Wisp up, "Who knows what will happen then?"

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