Chapter 15

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Having been travelling for a year, Athelia felt excited to be home again. Carrying a few large bags into her cave, Athelia felt relief as she dumped them on the floor. Meowing happily, Wisp hurried into the cave behind Athelia and jumped straight onto the bed. Smiling as she watched Wisp curl up to sleep, Athelia opened one of the bags and poured a collection of skulls onto the floor. Slowly, she placed them around the cave as decoration.

"Welcome back." Odelius greeted as he appeared in the cave.

"I wondered how long it would take you to appear." Athelia replied, "Nice to see you again."

"I see you had a good time." Odelius commented, looking at the skulls now decorating the cave, "These are good. Skulls strengthen the rune in the floor of the cave."

"That is good to know." Athelia replied, placing a skull near the cauldron.


Having settled back after the year away, Athelia was sat reading on a rock in her cave, listening to the peaceful sound of water trickling into the water pool. Suddenly, a person appeared in front of her. Jumping from the rock, Athelia dropped the book to the ground and ripped out her dagger defensively. The person watched Athelia and didn't move. Their brown hair was short, and they wore an elaborate servant's uniform.

"Umbriel?" Athelia questioned, quickly recognising who it was, "You can use magic now?"

"In some ways, yes." Umbriel replied blankly, "I have evolved a lot during your time away."

Impressed, Athelia put her dagger away as she asked, "Can I help you with something?"

"I came to you as I have no one else to ask." Umbriel spoke, "It is Odelius's creation day soon, and I am unsure what to get him. He already has most things."

"Creation day?" Athelia questioned, "Do you mean birthday?"

"No, Odelius was created." Umbriel replied blankly.

"Oh." Athelia thought for a moment, "He is much different than any mage I have heard of or read about, so that would make sense... how old is he?"

"He is -" Umbriel went to reply but suddenly looked scared, "I have said to much."

Before Athelia could say anything, Umbriel disappeared, and Athelia was left with more questions. As she picked up her book and went to read it again, Odelius appeared. His lilac eyes were full of anger, and his stance was stiff, as he scowled at Athelia.

"Umbriel just got home and locked herself in the cupboard to punish herself, muttering something about telling you too much." Odelius stated, tilting his head slightly, "Care to explain what she means?"

"All she said was you have a creation day instead of a birthday." Athelia explained, putting her book down, "I asked her how old you were, and she left."

"How old I am?" Odelius smirked, "I am older and know more than your tiny mind could comprehend."

Using magic Odelius sent eons worth of information into Athelia's mind. Flashes of Odelius's knowledge and memories swarmed Athelia's vision. Unable to understand and keep up with what she was seeing, Athelia felt her mind spinning uncontrollably. Gripping her head, Athelia dropped to her knees and tensed in pain. Taking the information away, Odelius waited for Athelia to recover and stand up.

"What did you just do?" Athelia asked, relieved to feel her mind clear.

"That was just a tiny fraction of what I have seen and know." Odelius explained, "To answer your question, I am older than you can understand."

"Don't worry though, I will be removing all this from your memory." Odelius stated, going to wave his hand for the spell.

"What?" Athelia responded quickly, "No!"

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