Chapter 17

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Having left the cave, Athelia walked outside the city and focused on trying to find magic. Sensing a faint amount of magic, Athelia followed it past Blackthorn Manor and into the forest behind it. As the magic got stronger, Athelia was suddenly thrown back onto the forest floor. Looking up, Athelia watched as an illusion shield shone in front of her with faint sparks of magic.

Jumping up, Athelia reached out her hand to the wall but sent magic to her hand. Pushing magic into the wall, Athelia watched it part for her. As she stepped past the illusion wall, Athelia felt her jaw drop as she saw a giant white tower in front of her.

The tower towered above Athelia, with three giant violet crystals hanging onto the sides of it. The top of the tower was wider than the rest and its violet roof pointed into to the sky. Surrounding the tower was rocky ground with smaller crystals growing on it, and a river flowed past the tower on the other side.

Walking up the tower, Athelia knocked on the purple wood door, but it gently opened as she knocked on it. Cautiously, Athelia entered the room and was met with the smell of lavender and freshly baked pie. Stepping further into the room, Athelia didn't notice a rune in the centre of the floor.

Stepping onto the rune, there was a sudden flash and Athelia found herself in the large room at the top of the tower. Beneath her, under a sheet of glass, were fish swimming in water. Above her were giant crystals hanging from the ceiling, lighting up the room. On one side of the room was a neatly made bed, and on the other side was a cauldron and other magical items, including a raised bed for growing plants.

Looking out one of the windows, Athelia saw the ocean and the city. Realising she had no idea how to get down from the tower, Athelia tried looking for another rune, but spotted an old book on a table. Curiously, Athelia looked at the book.

"Magical Findings, by Heather Starly."

Before she could open the book, Athelia heard footsteps behind her. Turning round, Athelia came face to face with an older woman. Her walnut hair was starting to show strands of grey, and her robes were a light purple with white details. Hanging from the golden sash around her waist were a selection of crystals.

"Who are you?" The lady asked, her brown eyes examining Athelia, "You're clearly a mage, or you would not have been able to get in here."

"Athelia." Athelia replied nervously, trying to think of what to say, "I am Athelia."

"A vampire?" The lady spoke, catching a glimpse of her fangs, she circled Athelia, "This is certainly something you don't see every day. A mage and a vampire."

"Who are you?" Athelia asked, stepping back.

"Oh, of course. I am Heather." Heather stepped back and replied, "Now, what are you doing here?"

"A friend of mine is stuck in a cave behind a magical wall." Athelia tried to explain, "I was looking for help and found your tower."

"A magical wall?" Heather questioned, "Who is your friend? There aren't many mages around here."

"Odelius." Athelia replied, "Do you know him?"

"Odelius?" Heather laughed, "The idiot! I must see this, take me there."

Although she was surprised by Heathers response, Athelia took Heather to where Odelius was stuck. As they approached the wall, Heather laughed seeing Odelius stuck on the other side and Athelia noticed Umbriel was no longer there.

"This is who you found?" Odelius scowled, "This old hag wouldn't be able to do a simple spell, let alone one that could get me out of this!"

"At least I know how to do real magic!" Heather argued.

"Get me out of here and I will show you real magic." Odelius challenged.

Heather stopped for a moment and looked at the barrier, "How did you get stuck in this anyway? This is no magic I have ever seen, and I am over three-hundred years old!"

"As I just told Athelia, I am a God." Odelius explained blankly, "The God of Chaos and Order."

Heather was silent for a moment before replying, "That actually makes sense."

Sitting on some rocks nearby, Heather and Athelia brainstormed ideas to try and break the barrier, but nothing they could think of worked. Resting her head on the damp stone wall behind her, Athelia let out a frustrated breath.

"Ever seen a vampire get hungry?" Odelius asked Heather who was sat closest to the wall.

"I've noticed she starts twitching first." Odelius commented, "Look."

Having heard the conversation, Athelia realised she was starting to feel hungry. As she looked into a puddle next to her, Athelia saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at her. Knowing she needed to feed, Athelia sprinted out of the cave, and was pleased to find out it was the middle of the night.

Finding someone walking nearby, Athelia swiftly knocked them out to feed. Leaving them to wake up on their own, Athelia hurried back to the cave where Heather and Odelius were silently thinking of ideas. Sitting back onto the rock, Athelia stared at the wall, but her mind felt empty of ideas.

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