Chapter 9

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A few days later, Athelia followed Odelius to a corner of the city, that was the other side of the city wall to a small dock town called Portswood. As they stepped across rocks to get across a stream, Athelia wondered where Odelius was taking them, but knew better than to question it. They walked under a tree next to the city wall and Odelius moved some vines out of the way. Athelia felt her eyes widen in surprise as it revealed a short passage that led to the small town on the other side of the wall.

Standing in the passage, Odelius used magic to change his appearance and clothing. He now looked older, and his clothing was brown, similar to something a lower-class person would wear.

"What are you doing?" Athelia questioned.

"It is a disguise I use. They call me The Saviour." Odelius explained, continuing through the passage.

"Isn't that the vigilante they are trying to catch?" Athelia questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes, it is." Odelius replied as he walked away.

As soon as they walked into the centre of the town people began swarming around Odelius, and Athelia watched in surprise as Odelius began summoning food on the spot and handing it out to the people around him. Crowds of people began to appear and thank Odelius as he gave them food and whatever else they needed. Knowing most people were now distracted, Athelia climbed up the side of a building and tried to find the scent of the Princess.

Catching a brief scent, Athelia jumped between the broken roofs until the scent got stronger. Portswood was full of wooden buildings made from old ships, and they were all bunched together with narrow passageways between. There was a battered wooden wall surrounding the small town, which even went out into the water where small row boats were kept and more houses were built on the dock above the water.

Reaching one of the taller buildings in the town, Athelia climbed up the side of the house and pulled herself up to a barred window. Peering through the window, Athelia saw the Princess lying unconscious in a cage. The room was dark, and mould had begun growing on the slopped ceiling. Seeing the Princess, Athelia almost fell from the bars but quickly caught herself. Hurrying back down, Athelia rushed to find Odelius.

Jumping down to the narrow street, Athelia walked quickly, trying not to draw attention to herself. Reaching the market, Athelia looked for Odelius in the crowds of people, but he was no longer there. Walking back to the passage in the wall, Athelia found Odelius looking like his normal self waiting for her. Hurrying over, Athelia told him what she had seen and Odelius followed her back to the barred window. Odelius climbed up and looked through the bars before jumping back down to the roof below.

"We will wait until night, and then we will get her." Odelius spoke sternly, "In the meantime, find yourself a disguise! You don't want to get caught."

Following Odelius's instructions, Athelia got a sandy coloured waistcoat and cloak to disguise herself and used a red face scarf to hide her face. As the sun set, Athelia went back to the passage to meet Odelius who was already there waiting for her. Standing by the entrance to the passage, they waited for darkness to set in. Once Portswood was in complete darkness, they hurried over to the house where Jasmine was being kept.

Using magic to open the door, Odelius stepped inside and was quickly followed by Athelia. The inside of the building was bare of any objects, and the walls and floor were made of old wood. A ladder stood on one side of the room and went up two floors to the room in the roof.

"Go and get her. I will stay here and make sure no one comes in." Odelius instructed.

Athelia nodded in response to Odelius and quickly climbed up the wooden ladder. Reaching the room in the roof, Athelia looked around the cramped room. She could smell the damp in the wood, and the large rusting iron cage was placed in front of the barred window. Lying unconscious in the cage was Jasmine, her skin was pale, and Athelia realised she hadn't moved since she saw her earlier in the day.

Rushing over to the cage, Athelia grabbed the cage door and forced it from its hinges before throwing it across the room. Gently picking up Jasmine, Athelia listened carefully for a sign of life. Hearing a heartbeat, Athelia sighed with relief. Throwing Jasmine over her shoulder, Athelia carefully made her way back down the ladder to Odelius.

Just as Athelia went to speak, the door opened, and a hooded figure stepped into the house. They wore all black and had their face was hidden behind a black scarf. Seeing the person, Athelia held Jasmine tighter and stepped back cautiously. Standing his ground, Odelius didn't move, and his eyes were full of warning. Taking one look at Odelius, the person left, and Athelia let out the breath she was holding.

"Take Jasmine back to the castle. I need to do something." Odelius instructed before vanishing.


Arriving at the castle, Athelia was instantly taken to the throne room to wait while the king was informed. Walking tiredly into the throne room, King Aurion sat on his throne, wearing his royal robes over his night gown. A royal guard hurried over to Athelia and took the Princess away.

"Thank you for bringing the Princess back." King Aurion spoke, "How did you find her?"

Athelia was quiet for a moment, trying to think of an answer that wouldn't get her into trouble, "The Saviour. He found her and told me to bring her back."

Tensing at Athelia's reply, anger began to burn in the kings' eyes as he questioned Athelia, "The Saviour? Did you talk to him? Where is he?"

"I have no idea!" Realising she was in trouble, Athelia felt her heart clench as she desperately tried to defend herself, "He just gave her to me and told me to bring her here."

"Don't lie!" Shouted king Aurion, slamming his fist onto the throne, "He must be the one who did all of this... guards arrest Lady Athelia until she gives more answers!"

"What?" Athelia's eyes widened in shock. The two guards who had been stood by the door walked over to Athelia and escorted her to the tower outside the castle.

Entering the tower, Athelia felt her soul trying to leave her body. One guard then escorted her to the dungeon. Walking down the stairs, Athelia felt her legs threaten to give way as she smelt the blood. The walls were damp, cold stone, and the stone floor was covered in old blood and dirt. The room was filled with torture equipment, and there was a pit in the middle of the room where people were thrown into. There was an old fireplace on one side of the room, but the damp wood hadn't been lit for a while.

"Someone will be with you in the morning." The guard spoke, pushing Athelia into a cell, "I suggest you talk quickly when the interrogator comes tomorrow."

Being left alone in the dungeon, Athelia sat in the corner of her cell, wondering if she should attempt an escape. Being a vampire, Athelia knew trying to fall asleep would be pointless, as vampires barely needed to sleep. Closing her eyes, Athelia tried to distract herself. Listening carefully, Athelia could hear the dripping of water from a cracked stone in the corner. Focusing father, Athelia could hear the laughter of the guards above her. Suddenly the loud sound of moving stone made her eyes jump open.

Looking to the fireplace, where the noise was coming from, Athelia could smell a familiar scent. As the stones stopped moving, Odelius appeared and hurried over to Athelia's cell. Jumping to her feet as she saw Odelius, Athelia waited while he opened the cell door.

"Come on!" Odelius spoke quietly but with slight urgency, "Don't worry, I will sort it with the king once he has calmed down tomorrow."

"Do you have tunnels everywhere?" Athelia asked as they left through the tunnel in the fireplace, which closed behind Odelius.

"Mostly..." Odelius replied.

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