Chapter 7

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It had been a long day, and Athelia could feel the tiredness starting to weigh her down. The sun was quickly fading on the horizon, and the coldness of night was beginning to set in. Even though it was summer, the cold night air still made Athelia shiver. As the carriage arrived at the manor, Athelia felt her heart thud in her chest as she looked up at the giant looming building. In the dark, the manor looked massive, and Athelia felt like it had grown since she last saw it.

Drake stepped out of the carriage first, and then turned to offer his hand to Athelia to help her. As Athelia took his hand, it felt like grabbing a block of ice. Shaking it from her mind as she stepped down, Athelia pulled up her white wedding dress slightly to make it easier to walk and they walked up the stairs to the balcony.

"I'm afraid I must leave for a moment, but the servants will help you inside." Drake apologised before walking back down the stairs, "I won't be long."

Feeling too tired to question it, Athelia opened the door to the manor and walked inside. There were many wooden archways leading to different rooms, and faint candlelight flickered against the walls. A servant wearing a black uniform hurried over, their eyes were dark and their skin a deathly shade of pale. They bowed in front of Athelia and then followed her around as she looked in the different rooms.

Looking around the rooms downstairs, she saw the sitting room. The fire was dead, and just a few candles flickered on the mantelpiece. The next room was the dining room, empty apart from a giant dining table in the middle of the room. Next, Athelia found the kitchen, which was also empty. There was no one around. Feeling uneasy, Athelia turned to the servant who had been following her.

"Good evening, Lady Athelia." The servant spoke, "Please follow me to your room."

After following the servant upstairs, Athelia was left in a large room with sloping ceilings and a large bed with blue covers. Walking over to the bed, Athelia noticed a simple white dress was placed on it. As Athelia turned to question the servant, she quickly realised she was alone in the room.

Trying to stay calm, Athelia changed into the dress on the bed, and put her wedding dress gently on a chair in the corner of the room. As Athelia looked out the window, she could see the stars appearing in the sky. Hearing the door open behind her, Athelia turned to see the servant had walked back into the room.

"Is there anything I can get for you, my lady?" The servant dipped her head.

"No... where is everyone?" Athelia replied, hoping to get some answers.

"They are downstairs, my lady." The servant replied.

"Downstairs? There was no one down there." Athelia responded, feeling greatly confused, "Is there a basement?"

"No... there is no basement." The servant answered hesitantly.

"Then where is everyone?" Frustration began to be heard in Athelia's voice, "Don't play games with me!"

"Please do not fear. Everything will be made clear soon." The servant replied, quickly leaving the room.

As Athelia went to follow her, there was a click in the lock. Having heard the click, Athelia hesitantly tried the door. The door wouldn't budge. Knowing she was locked in; Athelia felt her breathing start to shake, and she went to sit on the bed to calm down.

Burying her head into her hands, Athelia groaned and tried to think. Hearing a thud, Athelia looked up and saw a closet on the other side of the room. As the door to the closet burst open, a skeleton fell to the floor. Screaming in blind panic, Athelia threw herself to the other side of the bed and hid on the floor.

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