Chapter 2

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Standing in front of the throne, Athelia looked down, still trying to recall the events and details of the night before. Feeling everyone's eyes focused on her, Athelia tried to push the feeling of unease away, but the silence and occasional mutter of the council behind her made her ears burn.

"I know this must be difficult for you, but we will hunt him down and return your sister. Are you sure you didn't see what he looked like? Any detail at all?" Asked King Aurion, his voice gentle.

Athelia shook her head, "It was just too dark."

"I will have the guards searching everywhere at once." Stated Odelius, dipping his head slightly.

"I told you it would be a mage." Leon grinned, holding his chin up.

"Now is not the time for that!" Growled King Aurion, snapping his head round to look at Leon, "We must find that mage before he does any harm to young Penelope, or worse..."


Opening the door after hearing a loud knock, Winston sighed, "Is this really necessary?"

Standing in front of their door was Odelius with two guards behind him, "We are just here to check if the mage left anything behind, Lord Winston. Do you mind?"

"Very well." Winston replied as he moved out of the way.

Sitting on her bed with her back against the large wooden headboard, Athelia turned a page in her book and jumped as she heard loud footsteps rushing up the stairs. As the guards and Odelius entered, she felt a burst of disbelief and panic shoot through her. "This is it... I am done for."

"We are just here to check if the mage left anything behind. Don't mind us." Reassured Odelius, standing at the door of the room.

"There is an attic up there." A guard pointed to the trapdoor above the bookcase, trying to adjust their guard's uniform so they could climb up. The guard's uniform was red with basic iron armour on top to offer them some protection. If they were a royal guard, their uniform would be blue.

As the guard went to climb up the bookcase Athelia quickly twisted her hand on the bed. The shelves of the bookcase came crashing down on top of the guard, and they landed on the floor with a thud. The other guard rushed over, but the guard on the floor was unconscious.

"Useless idiot." Muttered Odelius, shaking his head, "Get him out of here!"

As everyone gathered downstairs, Athelia joined her family at the table to hear what Odelius had to say. Seeing her parents worried faces, Athelia felt a pain in her heart and looked at Penelope's empty seat. Despite everything Penelope had said to her, Athelia wished that Penelope was sat next to her, even if she was giving a cruel remark.

"Don't worry, we will find your daughter." Reassured Odelius, "I am going to check the sewer tunnels myself later, in case they have hidden down there. You are more than welcome to join me."

"I trust you, Odelius." Winston replied, "I am sure you have it under control."

Odelius nodded, "I will let you know if I find anything."


"I have to go look for myself, Wisp." Breathed Athelia, rummaging through a wooden crate in the attic while Wisp watched from a support beam above her, "I have to find her."

As Athelia carefully picked up a dagger wrapped in a crimson cloth, she felt her heart sink. Having always been against the idea of death and killing, the idea of causing harm to anyone made Athelia's stomach turn. As she took the handle of the dagger, the rest of the cloth fell away. The dagger was made of iron and the handle was gold with a green crystal in the centre. Putting the dagger inside her cloak, Athelia stood up and continued to get ready to search for Penelope.

Chaos & Order: Dawn of ChaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang