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The next day I walk into the dojo and hear Johnny screaming in his office.
"BANNED! THAT CANNOT BE RIGHT. NO!" He shouts. He slams down the phone as Miguel and I walk in.
"Sensei what's wrong?" Miggy asks.
"We got banned from the all valley under 18 tournament!" He rages.
"What about don't accept defeat sensei?" Miguel asks.
"You're right! I'm gonna go down there and beat the shit out of them!" Johnny spits.
"NO! Do not do that. Just talk to them. I'll go with you," I say, trying to calm Johnny down.
"Max is right, just talk to them," Miggy agrees.
"What if I want to hit them?" Johnny asks genuinely.
"Just clench your fist like you're going to punch, but don't actually," Miguel suggests.
"Good idea kid. And Max, you aren't coming with me. I have to do this on my own," Johnny sighs. I offered to go because my dad is on the all valley under 18 board. On second thought maybe going with Johnny would've been a bad idea, my dad would've killed me.
We get to warming up and someone with a blue mohawk walks in.
"Welcome to Cobra Kai ta... HOLY SHIT, LIP!" Johnny says, stunned. That guy with the mohawk was Eli, my Eli. Oh my god. "Hawk, fall in," Johnny says as Eli, I mean Hawk, takes off his shoes and hops on the mat.
"Fear does not exist in the dojo!" Johnny asks, standing in-front of Miguel.
"NO SENSEI!" Miguel shouts.
"Defeat does not exist in this dojo!" He asks, standing in-front of me.
"NO SENSEI!" I shout.
Johnny asks me to warm them up so I stand in-front of the dojo and have them get in position while Johnny analyzes everyone's stance. He kicks Hawk's leg into a proper fighting stance.
"Jab punch! Iyts!" I shout.
After training I head home to take a shower and at dinner dad mentions the all valley under 18 meeting and I suggest that he stay with us and that it's ok to miss one meeting that's probably not important anyways. I said all of this because I want Cobra Kai to be in the all valley tournament. We have worked to hard. Dad says he should leave not and I try to stall him. I flop down of my bed knowing I did my best to get Cobra Kai into the all valley. I hope it works. I really hope it does. I fall asleep wishing that I win the all valley.

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