tonight, lets have some fun

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As a growing person, you can only hold onto your
personal restrictions for so long. When diving into new experiences, people tend to be afraid, unable to think of anything aside from how to stop the fear. But, that is the catch of it all:

In order to surpass your restrictions, you must feel the fear.

So, that's why this college student suffered the most agonizing end. Well, she didn't die. Midterms came to a painful close, and the week came to an end. (Y/n) still felt like she was there, taking the test, as she stood amongst crowds of young adults chatting and cheering alongside loud music.

Ah yes... this was the party that the largest fraternity at her college decided to hold in order to celebrate the end of midterms. In her opinion, this celebration was pointless. she had tagged along to be there for her friends, who were desperately trying to find something fun for the beginning of  their next unit at college. Of course she came to support them, but in truth, she was exhausted; a part of her was completely prepared to shut her eyes and sleep.

As she anxiously surveyed the room, an irritated voice seemed to repeat the same word multiple times to her, before poking her arm like an angry child and forcing her to pay attention.

"Did you even hear what i said?!"

Oh get the fuck out. Her eyes rolled at the sight of the tall man beside her. Uzui Tengen and (Y/n) were frenemies, a pair that seemed to fight with every breath they had, while also secretly getting along and understanding each other.

The reason they were so close was because they went to the same high school together. The reason they were so distant was because she witnessed him date 3 girls at the same time.

Oh, and that's still going on. Awkward.

Uzui yapped towards her even more, causing the shorter girl to feel a burning sensation in her ears. This charming man seemed to irritate her so much that smoke nearly blew from her eardrums. "Where is tanjiro? or Tomioka? No way that loser would come though, right?" as Uzuis sentence came to a humorous close, his ruby eyes pierced their way back towards her position.

(Y/n) was no longer standing there, and instead it was a cocky boy, Zenitsu. The plain colors of her tight, white tank top, and low rise, plum shorts were replaced with a vibrant yellow, nearly scaring him by the sudden change.

"Wha-" before the white headed man could finish talking, the blonde quickly cut him off. "You look confused. Did i do something?! Is there something on my face?!" Panicked, Zenitsu immediately ran away. As he shoved through the crowds, uzui watched in an equal share of amusement and confusion. While the yellow boy faded away through the endless crowds of people, he blew past a small group hidden in the corner on his way to the bathroom.

The group watched him pass by, slightly annoyed as if zenitsu had failed a mission in some way. Hidden amongst them was (y/n). Her fingers rubbed against her temples, sighing from distress. Very quickly, that distress turned into a quiet laugh.

"Did you see tengens face? He looked lost!" A raspy voice laughed from the group, loudly cackling like a rabid animal. His blue hair bounced with each laugh as a shorter, quieter girl began to giggle beside him; Inosuke and Aoi were quite the opposites, but they happened to get along like two peas in a pod. "(Y/n), when you and Zenitsu swapped places, it was incredibly quick! I believe that's the fastest anyone of us has managed to do it before! Maybe you should join in on our pranks more often?" Aoi smiled warmly at (Y/n) as the group began to discuss a different topic.

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