little brother

362 20 13

The phone flew across the room as everyone went silent. Sanemi stood with a dirty look as his hand stung with a subtle pain. "You didn't have to fucking slap me," he mumbled, attitude flowing freely as (Y/n) childishly ran to her phone. She whispered silent prayers before looking at the black screen, which was thankfully saved from any cracks. Her violet phone background lit up, revealing one missed call icon.

Both of her eyes unnaturally transformed into a beet red color; the angry girl darted straight to Sanemi, burning with fury.

"Okay and you didn't have to go through my phone," she bit back, causing his oddly dry lips to curl in an unhinged frustration. His teeth gently bit on his bottom lip at the sight of her fuming self inches away, waiting as she spoke again. "And what's with the attitude today?"

Hand running violently through his cloud-like hair, his plum eyes focused on the cheap ceiling while his back leaned against the wall. "You're damn fuckin' lucky you're a gir-" Rengoku surprised Sanemi with his presence, clasping his palm over his lips to hush him. (Y/n)s frown beamed into a smile as she happily jumped over to her fiery friend. "Long time no see!"

Rengoku and Sanemi had entered the dormitory together, but Sanemi seemed much more urgent to enter (Y/n)s room and have a word with her. Unfortunately, at the ringing of an unknown caller, he got unnaturally curious at who it could be. He was in an abnormally bad mood after bumping into a certain group of people on his way here, so he was much more irritable than usual.  -

As (Y/n) held the warm man close, she felt the irritated aura of Sanemi from behind her. "Who's Hakuji Soyama?"

Sanemis straight forward voice surprised her. Her vibe changed rather quickly before pushing slightly away from Rengoku. A smile quickly melted across her face; Sanemi noticed this, and it lit an odd flame at the bottom of his heart. Just thinking of Hakuji made her heart practically skip a beat- she couldn't understand why. Something about how kind he was. How gentle and caring he was. Not just that, but how handsome he was.. Rengoku grinned. "From the way it looks, (Y/n) seems pleased to hear that name! I'm surprised I do not know this man!"

Her feet bounced up as she plopped herself on her bed, staring at the ceiling and practically daydreaming about Hakuji. Her lips curled into a cheesy grin despite Sanemis present annoyance.

"He's this guy..." she whispered in a dazed tone; both of her eyes shut as her head pressed against the flat mattress.

Kanao stood in the doorway with a bouquet of roses. "Hey- Stop acting all weird.." the girl mumbled, eyes slanted straight in humorous annoyance; Sanemi made gagging noises as if the sight of a lovesick (Y/n) was ready to make him vomit. "Rengoku, Mitsuri isn't home yet."

Looking up from the bed, (Y/n) watched from between her pillows as Rengoku quietly took the flowers. "Ah, no worries," he said, pulling a small card out from within the bouquet. "Iguro told me to vase them if she wasn't home. That man has a plan!"

Kanao laughed softly as Rengoku marched out of the room into the kitchen. Her footsteps followed after him while
(Y/n) relaxed back into the mattress of her bed. She felt a pair of eyes glued against her side, practically creating its own magnetic energy to pull her in. Slowly, her head tilted to the side and met eyes with Sanemi.

"So?" he huffed, as (Y/n) had already forgotten what he was talking about. "Who is he?"

She rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone. It seemed when Hakuji called her number, it gave the name that his phone number was written under as well. Hakuji Soyama. "Mmm... I don't know!" Rolling to her side like a child, she quietly laughed as a pillow flew into her side, smacking her body down. She laughed while his voice got louder. Sanemis secret temper has always been something his close friends teased him for, including (Y/n). It was never something to be afraid of, mostly harmless. "You clearly do!"

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