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"You're Akaza."

That name came sweetly off of her lips, in a way no one had ever said it before. Hakujis face practically distorted into some horrific demons, horrified that that word was within her vocabulary.

As her eyes nervously looked away, he watched as she tensed up. Crap. Did I say the wrong thing? (Y/n) felt horrible as her body sunk into itself, thinking of every worst possible scenarios. She quickly relaxed, however, from the sound of his laughter. His chest huffed up and down as he smiled widely, before brushing his fingers through his damp hair. A flick of water splashed onto her cheek from his black roots as she turned to look at what he found so funny.

"That's not my name," he breathed, putting his cold finger up to her cheek and wiping the water away. After this, his smiled faded slightly. Only a small hint of it remained as he looked down at her. "My name is Hakuji Soyama. It's nice to finally bump into you again though, (Y/n)."

She smiled, shaking his hand while walking towards the college campus. "You too," she said, before noticing a shimmery blue tag on the side of his backpack. Pointing her finger outwards, her semi-serious character broke; "Oh! You go to Kimetsu Academy as well, Hakuji?!" His unapparent frown flipped around as he laughed. "Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that," he joked, scratching his lower neck as his head turned away. Naturally, her hand tugged on his uniform to grab his attention.

"What's your major! Or minor! Or have you even decided?!" The questions ring through his ears endlessly as her excited voice reminded him of a pink-haired classmate in one of his basic classes. "Just some sort of business course."

She relaxed, slowing her footsteps as the turned a corner. Her dormitory building wasn't far, and it sat with multiple lights on down the street. His mild responses seemed to be beating her as she turned away, looking at the water falling against the concrete pathway. His penetrating gaze fell back onto the side of her face, waiting for her to notice. Leaning a little bit closer, he tried to capture her attention. They walked silently, approaching her building, while Hakuji was desperate to speak.

"(Y/n), what about you?" Turning over, she nearly fell back in surprise as her was inches away from her. Her foot fell back, slipping, as he quickly caught her by the side of her shirt. Heavy breaths came from her as she let out a breathy laugh, getting back into correct posture. "I take culinary classes. My family has run a business for really long, and i want to be able to..." her voice halted as she realized how much she was going off topic.

"Sorry, that was unnecessary," she laughed, as his shoulders relaxed directly beside her. The umbrella fell slightly closer over her head as his feet inched closer to her. Both of their shoulders were centimeters away from touching, but they held their ground and stayed apart. "No it wasn't. Tell me, I want to know."

Raising up her finger, she brushed hair behind her ear from the side Akaza was on. He noticed a small blush on her cheeks, and subtly smiled in pride. "Well.."

Suddenly, two panicked girls burst out of the building, frantically shouting as if they were searching for someone. One of the girls looked to have an annoyed but concerned look on their face, while the other had lost all remnants of sanity. Both of their faces lit up at the sight of their lovely roommate and...

Deadpanning, they looked as if they saw a ghost at the sight of the boy beside her. He gulped, looking at (Y/n) and back at the girls. His toes bounced his body up and down slightly, as if anxious enough to turn around and take off based on what they'd say. The girl beside him didn't seem to notice the tension, simply laughing at her friends and waving with a smile; he felt relaxed at the girls across from them not saying a word about who he is. Turning to Hakuji, she bid her farewell. His hand held itself towards her, stopping her by grabbing the edge of her pinky finger.

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