get a room

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Irritated grunts left the girls lips furociously as Mitsuri stopped pulling the dress up. "Are you sure this is going to fit? I don't think I can make it." (Y/n) was breathless as her joyful pink haired roommate stood boldly. "We're getting this on you! Now suck in that stomach! After tonight, we're going to the gym sharp and early!"

Kanrojis smile was far different from (Y/n)s agony as the tight, pink dress squeezed up her body. "We can do the dance class I take!" The girl said, as silent tears fell from
(Y/n)a cheeks. The dress managed to surpass her torso, snatching her together. "How..." The girl said, turning around and looking in the mirror. Her body was perfectly fitted into the dress- aside from the fact that she couldn't breathe- and (Y/n) looked shocked at her own beauty.

An innocent grin laid across the braided girls face, looking at (Y/n)s reflection in the mirror. "You're so going to get laid."

(Y/n) shot back bright red. "You really think so?! I haven't had any game in like... a couple months..." Smiling, Kanroji held onto (Y/n)s shoulders and guided her to the doorway. Kneeling down, she grabbed a pair of heels beside the door and slipped them onto her roommates feet. "Okay. Lets go," Kanroji said, creeping quietly with (Y/n) towards the front door. As they left their dorm, (Y/n) stopped. "Wait, aren't you coming? You aren't dressed for a party.."

A guilty look spread across Kanrojis face. "Well!... It's not my type of party. You'll see what I mean when you get there."

As she spoke, all of (Y/n)s thoughts were forced into the back of her head. What the fuck does she mean by that? Not her type of party? But Kanroji goes to every party there is! The two walked with the giddy pink haired woman slightly ahead of the anxious party-girl. Her hand held gently onto (Y/n)s, leading her through the glass double doors of their dormitory.

Hopping into Kanrojis car, (Y/n) scavenged through her purse and pulled out a pink lip gloss. As the slimy makeup laid itself across her lips, the car began to move. "The place is about a five minute drive, not far at all," she said, a smile on her face while imagining how her best friends night could go. The radio played quiet music in the background as they sat in silence. The rain seemed to have restarted overnight. "Talk about unlucky," Kanroji said, turning down a suspicious road and (Y/n) felt her body fill itself with anxiety. "Y-Yeah..."

The streets were foggy, and the rain showed no remorse. As the car came to a stop, (Y/n) looked up and out the window. They were in an alleyway- it was dark and barely lit. There was a metal door against a brick building with light coming out of it. Jumping out of the car into the horrific atmosphere, Kanroji smiled as she walked up to the door. (Y/n) followed behind her as she knocked, summoning a certain person to the door.

As the door creaked open, they were met by an enormous man with white hair. "Mitsuri! You came? But Iguro isn't here..-"

Holding onto (Y/n)s shoulders, the happy dorm mate smiled. "Uzui! (Y/n) is going to be here instead. I wont be staying, so show her a good time!" The man eyed his old friend up and down, a smirk licking itself across his face. "Damn. Okay, see you around them Mits."

The door shut as (Y/n) was dragged inside. She gasped, following Uzui as he held onto her hand tightly. Looking through the glass window in the door, (Y/n) waved goodbye to Kanroji.

"She didn't tell me you were running this party!"

A laugh left the tall man's mouth, smiling down at her. "Who else did you expect? Nearly every party in the fuckin' city is run by me and my ladies." Punching his arm, (Y/n) practically growled at him. "You're girlfriends probably do most of the work, you ass!" Giggling like a toddler, he ran up the stairs at a pace she could barely keep up with.

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