Prologue : An Ordinary Mission

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Ikari's pov

I start my walk down the long corridor, filled with busy secretary's rushing to deliver orders to different agents. My boss 'Julia' has requested I come see her about a new mission.

Julia tends to give me missions that challenge my skill level, although she never succeeds with it. I slowly approach Julia's door, and after straightening my posture, I walk in.

As I walk into the office, I am greeted by Julia and her secretary, Kirin.

"Your late" Julia says sarcastically

"Aren't I always?" I respond matching the sarcasm.

Julia rolls her eyes at me and slides a document over the table. The contents of the document reveal to be a warehouse, full of guns and jewels.

"What's this?" I ask

"We have a tip. A group of criminals have been stealing a large amount of illegal substances worth up to ¥85,000,000. We have them tracked to here, but if they export all of it out of the country, We're screwed" Julia explains

"When do we set off?" I ask

"Tonight, so pack a bag" Julia responds

I nod, take the document and leave back to my own private quarters.


5 Hours Later

After five hours of preparing for this raid, I walk into the garage where a armoured van is waiting for me. Outside that van, Julia is stood waiting for me to hurry.

"I'm here, I'm here let's go" I say

"Took you long enough" Julia says jokingly.

I hop into the back of the van with 5 other agents and take my seat, and after a minute, we set off to our destination.

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