Chapter 6: Make The Choice...

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Three days after Chapter 5
3rd Person...

Ikari awakes to an alarm, signalling that it is Friday. He hops out of bed, ready for whatever today can throw at him. He gets his uniform on and walks downstairs to find Mizu sat on the couch, watching TV. He greets him.

Ikari - "Mornin'! How are you today?"

Mizu - "Good? Why are you so happy today?"

Ikari - "It's Friday. I get to go around the town centre tommorow, they have the best food and clothes."

Mizu laughs at his excitement and continues watching TV while Ikari makes breakfast. They are up 30 minutes earlier than usual, as to not be late the final day of the week. Suddenly, a knock displays at the front door. Ikari walks over and opens the door.

Kenji - "Hey dude, you wanna go to city centre this weekend?"

Ikari - "I was planning on it, so I'd be glad to go with you."

Kenji - "Awesome, Mizu, do you wanna join?"

Mizu - "Sure, I need some new clothes anyway. I have a bit of money to spend."

Kenji - "That's good then. Anyway, should we head to school?"

Ikari - "And be early? Why?"

Kenji - "Hear me out, but apparently the coffee is actually hot when you get there early."

Ikari - "Shut up. There is no chance that hot coffee actually exists in that place."

Kenji - "Let's go and find out."

Ikari - "Why not. Mizu, You coming?"

Mizu - "Yep, just gimme a minute."

Ikari and Mizu get ready then walk outside. Ikari locks the door then walks with the others to school. They resume their normal conversations as they walk to make time move faster. It doesn't.

After 10 minutes of walking and chatting, they reach the front gates and see a note. It says "The school is temporarily shut for today and the week coming." They look at each other in slight confusion but don't question it.

Kenji - "Hmm... Well what now?"

Mizu - "No idea. Ooh we could go to town centre today? It would save time and not be as crowded."

Ikari - "That could be good, let's go home, get changed and meet at the clothes shop downtown."

Kenji - "Sounds like a plan, Im gonna take a shortcut though. I'll see you there OK?"

Ikari - "Sounds good. See you soon."

Ikari and Mizu walk back home as Kenji takes a "shortcut". They don't think anything of it though.

Kenji's POV...

The fact they bought that proves they really aren't as smart as they seem. I take a stroll down an alleyway where I meet a "stranger".

??? - "They bought it?"

Kenji - "Yep, never had a clue."

??? - "Not suprised, Ikari never was the brightest. He was just really skillful. And that Mizu guy... He's just different."

Kenji - "Your not wrong about that. His fascination with water... It scares me."

??? - "I just stopped questioning that after a while."

Kenji - "So, what's this about? I have to meet them in Downtown in 20 minutes."

??? - "You need to kill that Mizu guy soon. Some files are missing and we think he took them."

Kenji - "How can I kill him? It would blow my cover hard!"

??? - "Figure it out, or you die instead. We need them files back ASAP"

Kenji - "Yes ma'am, I'm on it."

I walk out of the alley and back onto a main street, I then find a clothes shop so I buy some and get changed to fit in. I then make my way downtown to meet up with the duo. I've gotta take out Mizu soon, or I could betray the agency and join them. If I betray the agency, they'll surely kill me. But if u join the others, I'm doing the right thing. I'll think on it. I guess.

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