Chapter 1 : New Beginings

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Ikari's pov

I awake abruptly after having another nightmare about my past. Even after a year, I can't seem to shake them. I get out of bed and walk to the shower. Today is my first day of high school and Even if I'm 17, it's worth a shot to try and learn something, right?

After having a five minute long shower, I take a look at the time. I have 30 minutes until school starts, so I decided to have cereal. It really didn't take me long to eat it though, since I was pretty hungry. After finishing, I look at the time and notice school starts in 20 minutes. If I set off now, I should be five minutes early.

I grab my backpack full of essentials and walk out of the door, locking it behind me. I start to walk down the street to my school, that is until someone rushes by me and knocks us both over.

??? - "oww... Oh, sorry about that heh"

Ikari - "ah... It's not a problem, but why were you rushing"

I stand up and help the other kid to his feet.

??? - "I'm going to be late, school starts in 10 minutes, it's 7:50"

Ikari - "No, it's 7:40?"

??? - "Wait what? It is? Well my watch must be wrong again, sorry"

I help pick him to his stuff up off of the ground and put it away.

Ikari - "What's your name?"

??? - "Kenji, and you are?"

Ikari - "Ikari, Barbados"

We start walking the same direction and realise we are going to the same school. So I start asking him questions about the school, some of them probably not important like, "Who's your favourite teacher?" and "When did you start?" but I'm curious, OK?

After walking for 15 minutes, we eventually arrive at the front gates and walk into the office. I then ask the receptionist for my time-table and where my locker is. After taking my TT, I walk to my locker with Kenji and unpack.

Ikari - "So, what's your first subject?"

Kenji - "Maths, what's yours?"

Ikari - "English, so I guess we part ways until break?"

Kenji - "Yep, so I'll see you in about an hour."

Ikari - "Sounds good, see ya soon"

We then take our separate ways and walk to our first classes. Why do I need English if I speak it? I guess we'll never know.

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