Chapter 2 : Bored

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Ikari walks over to the door labeled "English" and walks in. He looks around to see multiple groups of kids hanging around desks, and others sat in their respected seats, either asleep or waiting for the teacher to arrive. Ikari walks over to an unoccupied desk and takes his seat, getting his notebooks out of his backpack.

5 minutes later, a teacher walks in. He writes his name on the board as Mr Prente, and takes his seat at his desk.

Prente - "Hello class, my name is Mr Prente. Please take your seats and get out your notebooks. Turn to page one and read the first paragraph, then write any notes on paper. If you do not have any, there is some at the front."

As Ikari opens his notebook, he starts to note in his head that this is going to be one very long day. He just wants to get this class over with and get to break with Kenji.

10 minutes later

After 10 minutes, they are only on paragraph 5 and Ikari is very bored. He begins to zone out of reality and imagine what his old life would have been like if he never went rogue. Suddenly he is snapped backed to reality, he has been zoned out for 15 minutes and now it is break time. He grabs his books and packs up. Ikari then throws his bag onto his back and walks out of class. After walking through what felt like a maze, he finds Kenji near a couple of vending machines.

Ikari - "Hey, how you doing?"

Kenji - "Hmm? Oh, hi Ikari. I'm doing fine but maths was a pain! How was English?"

Ikari walks up to a vending machine next to him

Ikari - "Boring, I was zoned out for most of it. This teacher isn't very entertaining."

Kenji - "Oh, what were you imagining?"

Ikari - "Huh, what do you mean?"

Kenji - "Well when I'm zoned out, I'm usually imagining something random."

Ikari - "Well, I wasn't imagining anything. I was just blankly staring, heh."

They finish up at the vending machines and walk over to a bench to chill for 5 minutes. They start to chat about random things until the bell rings.

Kenji - "What's your class now?"

Ikari - "Science, you?"

Kenji - "Same! Come on, I'll show you the way."

Kenji grabs a hold of Ikari's arm and starts to drag him down a hallway. Eventually, they reach a door labeled "Science" and walk in.

30 minutes later...

The sudden ringing of the lunch bell, distracts Ikari from his science notebook. (No complaints though). He shuts his notebook and packs his bag and walks to the door. Kenji walks up behind him, ready to give a tour of the cafeteria.

Kenji - "Ready to go?"

Ikari - "More than ready, I'm starving!"

Kenji - "Let's go then!"

Kenji leads Ikari to the cafeteria and shows him the menu. After choosing their meal, they sit down and start to replenish their will to go on with food.

Ikari - "This food is good, but the rest of the day is going to be hell, isn't it?"

Kenji - "Of course, what did you expect when you signed up for this?"

Ikari - "If I'm being honest, I don't know. I just didn't expect it to be so hectic and boring at the same time."

Kenji - "Well, that's just school for you. 2 breaks, then 3 hours of mayhem"

Ikari just listens and nods as he eats his food. This school is just a big mix of emotions, and it sucks. The rest of the day is going to be hell.


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